RGR This what you don't know about AFA

Day 1,896, 16:48 Published in USA Pakistan by TheJakal


For the last few months, I have witnessed the birth and rapid rise of the American Freedom Alliance, RGR who is much hated amongst the senior players was the focus of many attacks.

RGR assumes that he is the mastermind behind AFA but there is a more sinister and devious plan at work, much larger than RGR and the elitists.

It is the combined efforts of certain players supporting a rival game and creating general discontent in eUSA, so that current eAmericans migrate and many have.

When one looks at the bigger picture one will see that the top dawgs of AFA do not give a rats A55 about eUSA. There total damage for eUSA proves this point, they don't fight for eUSA, they don't donate to national programs, they don't participate in anything that eUSA does. There only objective is to use RGR to create differences between eUSA, to create despair, to create a living hell.

For the last few months, the government has diverted much of its time focusing on ATO efforts, efforts to stop these criminals who are using RGR for their own sinister purpose, generating cash in this game, buying off players and shifting them to another game.

Did any of you ever wonder the exact purpose of AFA? Yes, RGR wants to join the government and potentially rule but he has been around for years, who are the others in AFA who claim to be the saviours of eUSA? "Nobodies", agents of a copy cat organization only seeking to penetrate the American market.

I have spoken to RGR and RGR may have done some bad things but no one can question his patriotism but he is being influenced into making bad decisions and being alienated even further and pushed into the corner.

AFA doesn't seek to win in eUSA it seeks to destroy it, slowly with a citizen drain. Many players are getting fed-up with the bad economy and all they needed was a catalyst to push them over the edge and that is what AFA now is.

Time is running out.

I leave you with a message from Pakistan's founder and to think further and recognize the truth behind this game and I hope that RGR understands that without his patriotism, AFA is nothing more than a bunch of trolls looking to destroy the very country that RGR has sworn to protect and preserve:
