Quiz - Winner and Answers

Day 834, 08:14 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

Last month we had a quiz as many of you know. Today we are announcing the winners!

But first, the answers:

What European city was the first to get trafficlights?

What is the most common name for NaCl?

What star shines the brightest on the night sky?
-Sirius (The Dog Star)

What countries does the eRepublik alliance EDEN concist of?

What movie is this quote from? "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers!"
-Die Hard

From where does the expression "spam" originate?
-Monty Python

A lot of people got these right and there was actually more contenders than we thought it would be! Great to see such an active community! Now, onto the winners!


You will receive 50 NOK, 5 Q1 Weapons and some Q4 food.

Everyone else, dont despair, you will get some goodies as well!

We would also like to remind you that you can allways contact us if you need help or don't understand something! We can also assist with increasing wellness and other tasks! Just give us a shout and we will be happy to help!

Minister of Immigration - Endymionis
Vice Minister of Immigration - Brekkjern