Pride Power Pakistan, Dream of Every Pakistani

Day 862, 13:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

People of Pakistan,

"Pride Power Pakistan" Three Words that define our nation. Pakistan was one of the most glorious nations of in History of the New World we had a booming a economy and Strong Military. After reaching the heights success we also came down falling. Once a heavily populated country Pakistan is now one of the least populated countries in the New World. Once a Military that made everyone piss in their pants is now struggling to reclaim the throne of supremacy. Our economy is now fighting to stabilize itself and rise from the deficit.

The Unasked Question

I have seen people writing about Glory of Pakistan but I have not seen anyone ask the question "what happened?" Answer to this question can be different depending upon the way you see it. The way I see it is, the ruling elite of our country lost interest in running the country. There was no active policy making, and no organization and plan to use our National Reserves, people stopped volunteering for the country and got involved in their personal affairs on how to get medals and make gold with their organizations. The way I see it Pakistani people have lost their sense of Direction. We have lost the ambition to do good for the country that gave us place to live and made us what we are today in the New World. Some of the reasons of our struggling situation are ever present threat of Political Take Overs.

After every dark night there is a dawn,a new sun will rise and with ever day there will be new opportunities, we will face new challenges. We can bank on these opportunities and take the challenges head on if we have sense of hope and unity in our hearts. Pakistan will rise once again and will establish it's name across the new world. We will have booming a economy once again, we will have a Strong and Organized Military that will ensure that our borders are kept safe.

Our Dream

Few Months ago I wrote a Article "I have a Dream" . It is not just my Dream it is your dream and to this day it is the dream of every living Pakistani no matter where he is in the New World. Citizens of Pakistan It is time we do this together, Let's show the New World how great Pakistani Nation was and how great we can become.

We need to build our Military Might! We need to Organize Pakistani Citizens into Military Ranks, we need to established our might in weapons manufacturing, in Defense, In Construction, we need to build hospitals across Pakistan. We need to do this so we can have strong soldiers. We need to do this to make sure we are respected as Military Power in the New world and If anyone looks towards us with ill intentions we can reply back. It is time we give the three famous words that represent our country "Pride Power Pakistan" a meaning. It is time we rise, It is time we show the world that what Children of Dio and their Pakistani Brothers can accomplish. It is time we look beyond our personal disputes and look towards a common a goal. Goal of a glorious powerful might Pakistan

We need to strengthen our Economy we need to make our citizens richer and prosperous. We need to make sure that the citizens who elect us in Congress and in Office President get back what they have elected us for, we need Industries both government and Private, we need to payback our tax payers what they deserve. After all it is their money that fuels our country and make it carry out it's daily business.

The Road Map
The success of Pakistan in the New World is what my Party has always envisioned and success of Pakistan is what I will accomplish during my tenure if I am elected to office of President. I will be appointing a very large but capable cabinet, I will appoint people from diverse social and political backgrounds into my cabinet. I don't care about their affiliations, I don't care about their party loyalties. All that will matter is their loyalty towards Pakistan and with this I kick off my Presidential Campaign. Pride Power Pakistan is what I want achieve and together we will.

Together We Will !!!