Presidential Elections

Day 1,779, 16:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My fellow Pakistanis,

As all of you are aware, tomorrow ePakistan will vote its next Country President.

Due to some internal conflicts, I ran for Country Presidency and due to eRepublik servers being down last night, I was unable to endorse Mohammad Bilal.

I had a huge article planned and written to address the internal issues but in a grand debate in #epakistan all the issues were cleared.

It is important that no matter how much we fight within, we are always unified on elections, as its in these elections are enemies can strike.

Due to the current events in our country and the absence of the Chairman of Senate it is important things continue the way they are.
Many ePakistani's are leaving and going into two click mode due to exams and other RL committments so the responsibility of keeping ePakistan healthy falls onto the few of us who remain.

With this, I formerally announce that the candidate you should be voting for tomorrow is Mohammad Bilal. Don't vote for Rafay Ahmad, don't vote for TheJakal.


Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Senator of ePakistan