Presidential Elections; Interview Candidates

Day 2,295, 11:24 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

Today, a day before the Presidential Elections I've got some interviews for you with the candidates. 1 of the 3 has answered my questions, I hope I'll get the other ones this evening.

The first candidate is; Aries Prime!

1. Why do you want to be the next President of the eNetherlands?

I want to be CP because I believe I am currently one of the few people that can unite Netherlands. I've worked hard to gain a good stance with every party in Netherlands, and I have succeeded for most of them. From there I want to actually get us into an alliance and implement some programs that people can see with their own eyes. I feel like we have been static lately and our country is too divided between two sides. When it comes to alliances we face the same issue. Our stance on what alliance to join is split fairly evenly and that is difficult for any CP to handle. I firmly believe Aurora is our best bet though because they will allow us to maintain a healthy relationship with Poland and Sirius without actually joining the alliance. This is one of the best compromises I can think of.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?

I believe I answered that a bit in question one. We are still split and divided. I honestly think I can be the person that will bridge the gap between our various parties. Our biggest issue will be choosing an alliance and I will get us into one during my term. From there I can focus on other social programs and perhaps a war.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?

Communication and unity. We do not communicate effectively with each other nor do we have a strong sense of unity. I'm hoping we can work together a bit more under my leadership since I have worked to be someone all parties can at least meet halfway.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?

I will solve these issues through compromise. My cabinet has most of the parties represented to the best of my ability and I will work with all parties for compromises. One side is very Pro-Asteria while the other is Pro-Sirius. My solution is Aurora. One side is very pro-war while the other is pro-peace. My solution is government supported battles and perhaps a training war or real war. My government will also attempt to inform the people with multiple articles with actual content in them. This goes along with my ideas for social programs which will be headed by various ministers.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?

At this point I am confident many people have made up their minds. I can only tell you what I have told you above and in my articles. I will do exactly what I say I am going to do. There are no secrets or hidden agendas. When you vote for me you will know exactly what I am going to do and that I will work my hardest to get it done. I admit that my policies do not please everyone and they never will, but I will be a strong leader for this country that will actually get some things done. We have seen how Kordak handled things last term, so it's time for me to show you what I can get done with the numerous plans I have revealed.

The next candidate is Kordak!

1. Why do you want to be the next President of the eNetherlands?

This term I had a lot talks with the government of ePoland, building up relations. Unfortunately that government was impeached before we were able to succeed our plans. However I got involved in the internal politics in ePoland and gained some experience in this. If we want to continue to join SIRIUS side we will need a lot of knowledge about the internal politics of SIRIUS countries.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?

Well not everyone knows, but I actually tried to start a babyboom this term as a experiment. I always wondered if we weren't able to create some kind of babyboom in the Netherlands. So I made contact with a few people who have many invite medals. I told them it was necessary to have more Dutch players in our community and they helped me out by searching Dutch players in other communities. They found people and invited them to the game, which would gave them invite medals and us new citizens. Another reason for the war was that I did hear that inactive citizens would get a email to play eRepublik again. That was the second part of my plan to prepare a babyboom. Well you can say: babyboom, we only got few new citizens. Yes but in eRepublik terms we are speaking about a babyboom. My part three was to create a reference to the real life to recruit new players in Dutch communities online. For that we would need some epic sounding stories to convince people to join us, which I am already working at.

So back to your question, I think a lot changed in our politics and a lot will change more in the future. The political order in the Netherlands will change.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?

We are still not a united people, but that shouldn't be such a big problem as long we respect each other. However sometimes it is hard to find the respect of some people. Or sometimes we simple do not understand each other the right way. People should put their personal opinions apart and not use it for judging people or entire nations.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?

I honestly admit that this cannot be solved. You cannot take away the origin of people, however I would again do my best to bring some fun into our country. Another thing that really helped was the war against Germany, I am very proud of everyone who fought there for our common cause.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?

Dear citizens of the Netherlands I am very thankful for the term I already got. The other candidates are perfect choices as well and I will help them if they win the elections. However if you prefer to join SIRIUS and create a real babyboom in eNetherlands I am the one to vote 😉

The last candidate we will interview is Thanatos the Magnificent!

1. Why do you want to be the next President of the eNetherlands?

I strongly believe to be above party politics, and therefor can re-unite our country. I also have good ties with many members in the important alliances. And although my personal preference is to join Sirius, I want the people of the Netherlands be the ones to decide that, so our choice will have a ferm anchor in our society.

2. What do you think of the current situation in the eNetherlands?

Our current National situation is that we are still small in numbers, and not yet working together the way we should. For our nation to grow, it is neccessary for all political parties to cooperate better then currently. That way we will have the chance to grow, not only as a nation, but also in regions.

3. Are there any key problem(s) where the eNetherlands is struggling with?

I already explained that a bit in the former answer. I also think we can realise a better cooperation among our MU's. By setting clear orders to those, and a daily list of countries to fight for, or against, through the so called battle priorities. And also we can win more on that terrain by joining the two state MU's as one, and try to convince all those small MU's to join bigger ones. Because I don't think that all that division is a good thing for our country. I have read Mr. Weekstrom's plan on a new comune system, and hope to implement that this coming month, so we can supply more of our soldiers, and be of more use to our allies and to our own country.

4. How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?

More information to our comunity will help to tackle these problems. In my opinion we also need our MU's to fight more coordinated, so we can strike some decisive blows when needed, be it for our allies, or in our RW's to come.

5. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?

I'm hoping to get our country into an alliance this coming month, and my team already had some good talks with Poland about this. These talks were very promissing, and the future implementation could even surprise you.
The Polish leaders are very pragmatic, they know what we have to offer, oil en cattle, and because of the determination bonus they know it is better to have the Netherlands as a close ally then an enemy, because they already have a lot of RW's, so peace in this part of Europe is appealing to them.

I hope you got a clearer vision on the ideas of the candidates. In the next article after the Elections there will be an interview with the (new) President of The Netherlands.

Hail The eNetherlands!

As always people, please vote and subscribe to the newspaper; that would be much appreciated. I´ll see you all later!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror