Presidential Election - STOP Pfeiffer!

Day 1,595, 23:22 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I recently interviewed Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel and Artela on eRepublik News. Their plans for America should terrify you. Check out the interview with them.

Recently, AMP has decided to ally with Pfeiffer by having a secret meeting to declare Artela their nominee. This will do serious damage to Joseph Dinero's chances in the elections. The USWP of course endorsed Artela because she is Party President and Pfeiffer controls them like drones, and the Marijuana Party have been smoking the Pfeiffer and endorsed his candidate as well. It should also be no surprise that the INCI are also backing Pfeiffer as he is one of their oldest friends and allies. Unfortunately, I cannot run this month due to recent events.

The only choice we have in this election is to vote for the candidate put forward by the Federalist Party, Joseph Dinero. I don't have any particular love for the guy, but he has made it clear that Pfeiffer will NOT run the country as an "advisor" like he will be if Artela is President. Unless you want our country to be controlled by an extremely unstable person, then there is really no other choice. This guy has been itching to get back in to the White House since he was thrown to the curb by his former protege, Oblige. He has failed with his last two puppet candidates. Don't let him succeed with this one.

General Cartman Lee
American Patriot