PP Election Aftermath, סיכום בחירות נשיאות למפלגה

Day 1,122, 08:14 Published in Israel Israel by Perfect.Knight

Salutations to you House of eIsrael, i write to you at the eve of new day after yesterday's election to the party presidency.

i won't got big on words, few key points i would like to talk about :

- israel first & likud were facing a pto threat by unknown source. a source clearly using multies ( votes were removed from both opposing candidates against the legitimate ones )

this is new threat, one that people couldn't say "oh look at them rl jewbots messing with elections and tempering with democracy" like many of our esteemed english speaking countrymen like to do 🙂
i can point a finger and blame someone but i shouldn't because it would only lead to yet another pointless argument 🙂

- Richard Ford, Pikezah123 won the election in parties which no one cares about. while i can clearly see the motive behind this. i cannot understand the logic. because past events clearly states. these unimportant parties has no pull never will have pull and never should have pull in whats going on in eisraeli politics.

on one hand we have pike an active member of our society. i can understand him wanting to avange the last months take over by rl bloc over his buddy's party. but again it is folly to think this party is a tool to something. elections always decided by 2 major forces. some of the active members of the english speaking community and ofc the rl bloc of the community. this tactic of divide and conquer is somewhat childish and not efficient. by controlling most political parties. it would seem that english speaking community has sway over what would be the outcome in the presidency election nominations or congress elections...but in reality. well you can see the elections for the past year or so and decide for yourself who has the final say here in eisrael 🙂

on other hand we have richard ford, a decent looking guy... been in eisrael for some time now. always writes decent articles. but main problem he took over a dead party. as a dead player. i mean what he has done for the past month to justify his claim over pp position? hes nice guy sure, hes not an ass by his way of writing. and he means well as far as i can see. but the activity issue overshadow everything ive mentioned here...seriously. i cannot recall and opinion,conversation or statement of him since the last elections. most likely his party will continue to be dead. and he will just be there. i guess its better then nothing.

i3 well i3 is interesting 🙂, dozzer took over the party. means well. he has some issues with some people but i guess in all general he tries hard. im looking forward to see what will become of this party. so far. it was only made as base of operations to esteemed community member "Rheinlander von Phalz" and nothing else. while it could be something more.. it holds little pull over whats happening in eisrael because it only served as an extension to 1 man, and a great slogen too 🙂

this is my conclusion of the pp elections.

Perfect.Knight, the Thug Poet.

אם מישהו מוכן לתרגם אני אשמח מאד 🙂 ואשלם גם בשקלים