Plato Disproves Theory of Special Relativity

Day 1,572, 22:58 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Plato recently proved Einstein's Theory of General Relativity by slowing down time during a long day of maintenance. In an ironic yet equally brilliant achievement, he has now disproved the other element of Einstein's theory, that of Special Relativity. Plato has just proved that it is possible to travel through time as he sent everyone in the eWorld an hour in to the future.

People all across the eWorld find themselves wondering how this happened. How did Plato punch a hole through the very fabric of the universe? How did he bend space and time? Why did he choose to send us forward exactly one hour? These are questions which only the genius of one of the greatest Philosophers of all time can answer. I for one commend him on his outstanding scientific achievement.