Nobel Prize(Sweden), Leave Sweden for the UK, I fight in Germany

Day 167, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Category: Society

Today, josefstark announced his plans to start handing out a Nobel Prize. In [a url=]his article[/a], called DDD's confessions from The Syndicate(honestly, I don't get the name aside from the name of his paper) he drew an outline of how it was going to happen. Every two weeks he'll hand out a prize and a reward of 50 SEK to people showing exemplary skills in the categories of Society, Economy, Politics, and the Media will recieve the award, as well as an honorable mention.

He says that his standards are lofty, so it won't be given to any old nincompoop with a hand in the government, military, or with a newspaper. One small problem I have with it is that it's for Swedish citizens only. I know he wouldn't be able to donated money internationally(but the president would (hint*hint), but it'd be nice....

I left Sweden this afternoon and landed in the UK. [a url=]Heres my article[/a] that I wrote saying goodbye and telling my impressions of Sweden. Now that I've been in one whole country, we all know what my structure is for each visit. I invite anyon eto follow my's not a hard thing to do, I'm onlt writing two articles per country. That's about three articles a week(besides the ones I'll write here). I'm naming all my papers "IP (name of country)". If you don't want to friend me, but still want to see what I'm doing, just seach for IP and the country that I'm in. I just made IP UK, and I'll write an article either tonight or some time tomorrow.

Before I got to the UK(as you've seen in the headline), I fought for Germany against the Swedish. Yes, the same people I was just visiting with. Sue me.

I'm sure you're all wondering how I did? Well I did took two Swedish to take me down. [a url=]Belived[/a] and [a url=]Icebox[/a]. I had a Q4 rifle against Belived....but ran out of ammo for it by the time Icebox got to me, so I had to revert to my Q3. It served me well, but wasn't enough for me to win the fight...........hopefully I got some military cred(rank) out of it, but thanks to the bugs that plague us all there's no way to know right now.

Like I said in my article, Sweden set the bar pretty high with a huge list of exciting things happening almost every day. I think the UK might give me a few things to write about with its budding leadership though, so it should be a good visit too.
