New President Breaks MPP, Trade Agreements, Violating Treaty(Germany)

Day 225, 13:41 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Category: Politics

Yesterday, a Polish president was elected in Germany. He then proceded to enact revenge on Germany by canceling all trade agreements(including one with us), [a url=]issuing one billion DEM[/a], and canceling their MPP with Sweden.

The Polish president of Germany, Popolo, who compares himslef to [a url=]Dr Evil[/a], has risen to power by increasing the Polish population tenfold in the last month(from 20 to 200, according to the reports I heard). He and his Polish friends are obviously very upset that they were taken over by Germany last month in a somewhat bitter [a url=]war[/a].

By cancelling Germany's MPP and trade agreements with Sweden, Popolo is breaking the terms of the [a url=]treaty between Germany and Sweden[/a]. It's pretty fair to assume that Popolo seeks to get Germany taken over by Sweden, hoping that they will retaliate by declaring war. The news broke in a [a url=]Swedish article[/a], and in the comments, Flammbar announced that he's talking it over with Popolo.
