NE MISSION Pakistan vs China

Day 1,808, 14:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

As all of you are now aware, in order to complete all the missions we had to NE a nation.

After intense discussions with Chinese CP he agreed to do ePakistan a favour by letting us NE China and attack Sistan & Balochistan.

Folks, we intend to develop closer ties with China as its in the best interest of ePakistan and the NE that we agreed upon is the first step in that direction.

Yes, China owns three of our regions but with such a low population we can't afford to control all our regions. Last congress elections we lost two political parties to unknowns. Imagine if we had 3 regions the consequences would have been disastrous.

Hopefully this will be one of many co-operations between China and Pakistan who interestingly are close in the real world.

I would remind you all that this war is for us to complete our missions, you should not go all in unless your winning a Battle Hero medal.

We still have our differences with other EDEN countries such as eTurkey, eIran and eIndia but our relationship with China will be unique and independent of EDEN.

Communication is the key as well as mutual respect. So I end this article and open a new chapter in our foreign relations with our neighbours.

UPDATE if you have not bought a rocket and stored it, you should get one before you complete the missions this way you will get more in storage and be able to make a new one when the time comes to use it.

Thank you

Kind Regards
