MZS - Izvestaj Ponedeljak

Day 580, 09:38 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ministarstvo Zdravlja Srbije

Donacije ulaz:

Mister Chain has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
dalipod has transfered 1 IDR to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 1.38 CAD to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 4.66 BGN to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 2.43 IDR to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 1.37 IEP to your account.
Omadon has transfered 0.25 IDR to your account.
gojko c has transfered 0.95 RSD to your account.
Dovla NS has transfered 0.36 HRK to your account.
Milan the Great has transfered 17.72 RUB to your account.
repsrpska has transfered 1.61 RSD to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 4.5 TRY to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 0.45 RON to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 0.35 IDR to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 0.35 HUF to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 0.4 DEM to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 0.4 BEF to your account.
Delic Holdings has transfered 1.8 RSD to your account.
Kukee& has transfered 175 PTE to your account.
Kukee& has transfered 1.48 GOLD to your account.
gate_7 has transfered 5 RSD to your account.
gate_7 has transfered 0.17 HUF to your account.
Krmaladin has transfered 5 RSD to your account.
Janicije Golubovic has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
srgor has transfered 5 RSD to your account.
srgor has transfered 11.3 HUF to your account.
srgor has transfered 16 GOLD to your account.
Kajmak has transfered 0.46 ARS to your account.
Hobitnjak has transfered 2 RSD to your account.
Hobitnjak has transfered 5 HUF to your account.
BaneFromDaHood has transfered 0.51 GOLD to your account.
Omadon has transfered 0.25 IDR to your account.
sima kosmos has transfered 2 products to your inventory.
Nikola Veliki has transfered 0.1 GOLD to your account.
Gravediger has transfered 10 IDR to your account.
Denzel Lozington has transfered 5.29 RSD to your account.
Denzel Lozington has transfered 2.57 GOLD to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 6 RSD to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 1 USD to your account.
RaleX037 has transfered 1.37 IEP to your account.
Pokret Zelenih has transfered 3 products/raw materials to your inventory.
Gradjanin Djura has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Dex77 has transfered 1 products to your inventory.
DeerBeer has transfered 6 products to your inventory.
Gnash Thorun has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
Nikola Veliki has transfered 0.3 GOLD to your account.


You have succesfully bought 10 products for 30.14 ITL.(q3 hleb)
You have bought 50 ITL for 1.3 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 80 ITL for 2.08 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 25 products for 73.15 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 6 products for 18.084 ITL.(q3 hleb)
You have bought 100 ITL for 2.6 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 9 products for 26.334 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 5 products for 14.63 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 100 ITL for 2.6 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 1.08 GOLD for 112.79952 BGN. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have bought 40 ITL for 1.04 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 15 products for 43.89 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 10 products for 29.26 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 25 ITL for 0.65 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 9 products for 26.334 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 200 ITL for 5.2 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 30 products for 87.78 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 100 ITL for 2.6 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 30 products for 87.78 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have bought 200 ITL for 5.2 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 59.84 ITL.(q3 hleb)
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 58.52 ITL.(q2 pokloni)
You have succesfully bought 10 products for 29.26 ITL.(q2 pokloni)

Ratke (Srb-7 karta) (20 poklona + 7q2) OZDRAVIO
pravoslavni tigar (18-SR😎 (10q2) OZDRAVIO
Mis999 (30-srb) (5q2)OZDRAVIO
x-FaCt0R (27-cro) (5q2) OZDRAVIO
Milica_Partizan (4-srb) (20q2+3hleba)OZDRAVILA
dado radosevic (32-srb) (5q2) OZDRAVIO
mr_gee_fox (22-cro) (9q2+ 2 poklona) OZDRAVIO
sashasrbin (25-ukr) (5q2+10poklona) OZDRAVIO
raven4 (29-srb) (10q2) OZDRAVIO
milos vujanovic (17-srb) (14q2) OZDRAVIO
zoca3 (19-srb) (8q2 + 10 poklona) OZDRAVIO
Pelko (8-srb) (10q2 5hleba) OZDRAVIO
ivan kobra (36-srb) (6 poklona) OZDRAVIO
cika crni (31-srb) (10 poklona) OZDRAVIO
bogdanst (33-cro) (5q2) OZDRAVIO
mister chain (38-ind) (2q2) OZDRAVIO
strahinja cccc (36-hun) (3q2) OZDRAVIO
kappri (39-srb) (2q2) OZDRAVIO
emocije profundus (31-ind) (5q2) OZDRAVIO
tazzz1991 (39-srb) (4 poklona) OZDRAVIO
vuksa2103 (39-aus) (2q2) OZDRAVIO
dovla91 (26-bra) (10q2) OZDRAVIO
zmijica (35-ind) (3q2) OZDRAVIO

Ocekuje se lecenje u bolnici:

choda993 (31-srb) (14 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
arshav1n(39-bra) (2q2)OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
grbo89(19-srb) (14q2+5hleba) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
Davison Rockefeller (26-srb) (7q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
Hermankg (29-srb) (8q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
zilee (26-srb) (8q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
guru_yo (21-srb) (9q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
adragan (23-ukr) (12q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
don milos (30-srb) (5q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
branko draskovic (35-srb) (3q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
najnaj ja (28-srb) (10q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
cveleblok1 (27-srb) (5q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
Experiment Citizen (23-srb) (5q2+ 10 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
damir989 (14-hun) (13q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
starac milija (34-ind) (4q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
janicije golubovic (31-cro) (5q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
johnny94 (36-ind) (2+3q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI*
Miha997 (7-cro) (10q2+10 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
zekonja88 (5-srb) (13q2+5+4poklona+1Q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
rajs (14-srb) (4+15q2poklona+5hleba) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
danil harms (30-srb) (3+5q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
shonery (26-ind) (2+5q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Holy Georg (19-srb) (5+5q2+1Q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
don_giovanni (38-hun) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
EuroD (35-swe) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Srbica (33-srb) (4 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
mladen_karavukovo (37-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Wargus (35-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
vlada-cetnik (36-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
horvi (29-srb) ( 5 q2 poklona+ 1 q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Nemanja_88 (38-srb) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Milica31 (34-hun) (4 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Bojan Manasijevic (32-srb) (5 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Mamutic (39-indo) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Janicije Golubovic (38-indo) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Zeljko Nogic (31-srb) (5 q2 poklona + 1 q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Arcibald Grass (37-srb) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Srpska Sparta (30-srb) (5 q2 poklona + q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
petrovic021 (33-srb) (4 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
dr.joe (32-srb) (5 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Cica Kezultra (32-srb) (5 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
anai8891 (36-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Boris Radulovic (35-indo) (4 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Aksonzmaj (37-srb) (3 q2 poklona)OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Predojevic (36-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Boris Obrenovic (32-slo) (5 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Daniela Dojkov (29-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Ilija91 (32-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE
Jellena (36-srb) (3 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
XODINX (30-srb) (5 q2 poklona+q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
Sladjan Pusic (39-srb) (3 q2 poklona + q3 hleb) OCEKUJE SE
Aleksandar_bg (39-srb) (2 q2 poklona) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI

Pod brigom poklona:

cabke79 (2-cro) (10q2+5+10poklona) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
vlada zmijica (5-srb) (10Q1+5Q2 poklona+3q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
machak (6-cro) (10 poklona) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
forma (25-bra) (5 q2 poklona) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
djape9 (16-hun) (5 q2 poklona+ 3 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Zoran93 (1-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 3 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
delija84 (25-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
jebach (15-cro) (5 q2 poklona+ 3 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
lanmii (18-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 3 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Sinsa Kuzma (12-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
tata nikola (16-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Drago_Vujat (25-srb) (5 q2 poklona + 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Filipino96 (13-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
o'neil (15-indo) (5+5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
srpski vojnik (28-srb) (3+5 q2 poklona+ 1 q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
sgtpeper (23-srb) (5 q2 poklona + 1 q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Dovla NS (15-indo) (5+5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
EraOjdanic (20-srb) (5+5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Sisarka (5-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
gvozdeni baja (15-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 1 q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Sikeee007 (27-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 1 q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
Lazar Mijailovic (23-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA
nebac (31-srb) (5 q2 poklona + 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA- ceka se preseljenje
atzkko (23-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA- ceka se preseljenje
Savo Derikonja (31-bih) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA- ceka se preseljenje
Kica 1987 (27-cro) (5 q2 poklona+ 1 q3 hleb) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA- ceka se preseljenje
andrija93 (14-srb) (5 q2 poklona+ 2 q3 hleba) POD NASOM BRIGOM POKLONA- ceka se preseljenje


**ugarkovic nikola (32-srb) (10q2) OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
**rango951988(32-ind) (8q2)OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI
**nikola vignjevic(31-rus) (10q2)OCEKUJE SE LECENJE U BOLNICI

JinX_bG zamenik Ministra Zdravlja Srbije
