My Resignation

Day 2,351, 12:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Legendardisch

Dear people of this nation.

With sad disbelief i hereby announce my resignation as SSoHA, Ambassador to eUK and my current political activities.

It was fun, i met people, i made friends, frenemies and enemies.
I killed people
Screamed at them
Got called for idiot.

And that in like what 3 months straight.

I begun as MoHA, i still remember that, big job, some kind of Admiral wasn't happy, but hey i did a great job, brought damn eUS Bureaucracy to eNL, who would've imagine that? No one, literary no one.

Not to mention my time at GPN, it was fun but gradually things became clear for me.

That is my main reason however.

I am sick of some people claiming we eLive in a total dystopia, being a slave nation to some eastern bloc people, being no body.

I am sick of the constant mud throwing and high treason.

I am sick of people not knowing that they have chosen for a clear path.

I am just sick, of this behaviour.

that all of it is breaking me

I mean it

So therefor, i announce not only my resignation but also my departure.


But before we go here is a song about sad people.