MU Wars TEAM GB competition [closed]

Day 2,003, 16:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Team GB is competing to get into the top 50 Worldwide damaging MUs but where exactly will they end up, that’s anybody’s guess. Well actually it’s your guess, yes guess what rank TEAM GB will finish and if you get it spot on you get 100 Q7 tanks (from me).

1.You must be a member of TEAM GB.
2. One guess per person.
3. You must choose a unique rank so I’m choosing rank 36 so no one else can choose that one.
4. No more guesses after 11:59PM (UK time) on the 17th May (almost exactly 2 days after this article is released).

Just post a comment below saying which rank that you would like to choose. So choose fast you don’t want to get lumbered with rank 100 because we’re going to be way above that.
Also a vote/sub would be lovely