Day 1,997, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Today the bus stopped at…

Yes today I’m looking at UKRP who were actually my first ever party all those years ago when I was there dish was in charge though. Now the loonies are running the asylum.
UKRP was establish ages ago and for the first part of its life was fighting tooth and nail with TUP, this cooled of recent time and they (UKRP) have even been accused of following TUP by supporting the same candidates time after time. Although having been inside, I would say this is more a party of leaders than followers.

Time for testimonials

I politely asked UKRP PP Sir Rex Fleddington for an interview his response was pure genius

15-45 mins later I was ready so if you struggle to read this blame rex or wayne or jamesw or lain keers meh just blame chaz.

1.SO MAyOr FlEddIngtOn, COUld yOu plEAsE dEscrIbE yOUr pArty UKRP In 56 wOrds Or lEss plEAsE UsIng thE wOrd ‘bIrd’ At lEAst OncE plEAsE?

UKRP... More like United Konservative Rationalist positivists... or was it a bit too birdy for you... anyone...anyone at all.

2.SO SIr MAyOr FlEddIngtOn, HOw dId yOu EArn yOUr knIghthOOd?

Lets just say I had to kill a lot of innocent birds and sell myself to making the king happy (Woldy not Elvis).

3.SO SIr CAptAIn MAyOr FlEddIngtOn, ThE UKRP hAs A stAg As It’s mAscOt wOUld yOU sAy yOUr pArty Is qUItE lIke A stAg pArty?

As long as we have Thomas765, it will always be a bird party at the UKRP household.

4.SO SIr CAptAIn lIEUtEnAnt MAyOr FlEddIngtOn, I thInk I’m rIght In sAyIng yOUr pArty Is thE OldEst In thE EUK dO yOU hOld bIngO nIghts And OAP mIxErs And stUff

We don’t have time for that stuff, we have a country to run. As long as there is an eUK government, there will always be a few UKRP birds in the cabinets.

5. SO SIr CAptAIn MAjOr LIEUtEnAnt MAyOr FlEddIngtOn, thE wOrld Of fIlm Is fUll Of grEAt OnE lInErs cAn sUch A dIstInguIshEd And hIgh rAnkEd fIghtEr lIkE yOUr sElf gIvE mE OnE yOU mIght sAy As yOU lAy dOwn A mIlliIOn bIllIOn dAmAgE?

Before I answer, please may you call me by my proper name ‘Sir Captain Major Lieutenant mayor Dr Fleddington Piddlefee’. ‘My famous battle quote will always be ‘birds, birds everywhere but not an ant to shoot’, I have it on a plaque in my erepublik office.

6. SO SIr CAptAIn MAjOr lIEUtEnAnt mAyOr Dr FlEddIngtOn, AnythIng yOU cAn dO AbOUt thIs rAsh?

Close enough with the name. I don't know a lot about rashes in that place, you might need to ask our mens rears enthusiast Cyg (just joking about that... LongShotZz is the real birds rears enthusiast).

Well mayor Rex appears to have birds on the brain may I advise he listen to The Trashmen : Surfin' Bird

In conclusion there are some great people in UKRP so I’m giving it

Bonus pics