Day 2,025, 18:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus


Today the bus stopped at…….

My Review
Yes TUP and here’s TUP from my perspective. TUP has been around for ages and the entire time I’ve been playing they haven’t left the top 2, but have had 3 other parties beating them for no.1 spot. While those other parties have peaked and some have fallen TUP has kept constantly high and with a remarkable number of ministers/presidents/TWO HQ members, They’re a party which hold a lot of power within the eUK.

Time For Testimonials

1.Could you describe your party TUP in 55 words or less using the word ‘surprising’ at least once please?

TUP is a party with a long history and one that has served the nation for ages. We have a fun community always getting involved and helping each other do better and we are always surprising our political opponents with the strength of our community and policies.

2. Please name 3 players you could beat in a rap battle?

Talon Karrde, Cygnus XI and Goku Jones

3. You’re obviously a multi but whose multi are you?

Ergo Dues'

4. What direction is the party going in? (north, east, west, south)

West - into West Britain (that Island next door)

5. Which character from the film ‘The little mermaid’ do you most identify with? (If you’ve never seen it I encourage you to not google it and make up a character)

The King dude

6. It seems like you have a nice party here but appearances can be deceptive is TUP really a front for a drug smuggling/selling mobster organisation?

For a small fee, the TUP Boys will look after your property, family and you person from any harm whatsoever, of course, if you don't pay, we cannot guarantee your protection.

In Conclusion

I’m giving TUP

Bonus pictures well reading (sorry I know how much you hate to read Pat)