Day 2,006, 10:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

today the bus stopped at…..

Firstly a few words by me on the party;
The UKPP started ages ago and steadily grew up into a top 5 party it’s really in the last year when they experienced very big growth and became the top party in the eUK but unfortunately some p***k came along and ruined the party. The party now sits in the 4th/5th/6th spot with 2 other parties all around the same membership although it is currently winning and is in 4th (just). The future could be very bright for this party with an ex eUK CP now sitting in their PP chair.

Time for testimonials
I asked why The UKPP is the best party and I shall summarise the replies into 2 posts;

Next I asked incumbent UKPP PP Richard Fiest for an interview after some money changing hands he agreed.

1. Could you please describe the party UKPP in 57 words or less using the word ‘great’ at least once please?

UKPP is Great.

2. It is murmured that UKPP is quite inactive now what kind of stick would you beat the people starting these rumours with?

It has been murmured indeed, A big one covered in elephant s**t.

3. While you were CP of eUK exactly how much did you steal from the treasury and what did you buy with that dosh?

The precise figure will never be know, but I would put it in the region of 334,176 CC. This has been used to gain DC members Q4 training grounds.

4. I’ve been told you’re a World champion in your spare time what exactly are you a world champion of?

I am a world champion not just in my spare time but as a full time world champion of international sofa removal sports.

5. This month I’m Minister of Zombie Killing and Rehabilitation and I’m doing a great job, have you seen any zombies around that I can kill/rehabilitate as people are saying I’m not doing enough?

Fantastic news and there are always Zombies that need a good killing. I would suggest checking that fella Wayne, hes been a bit Zombie like recently.

6. Would you say you're next in line to the throne after Woldy?

I wouldn’t say I’m next in line directly. But I could be if some certain people go 'missing'.

In conclusion
I’m giving UKPP

Bonus pictures