Midterm Presidential Address[EN/TR]

Day 1,249, 22:08 Published in USA USA by Emerick

I've been in office for 15 days now, so let's review my efforts and the country as a whole.

On the day of my election, a crisis broke out wherein the military was denied funding from Congress and we suddenly had no military. That evening, I convened with congressmen, my proposed Defense staff, and advisers to draft a proposal to create a new Armed Forces to protect our country in lieu of the failure of diplomacy between Congress and our former military heads. Neither were willing to budge.

Since then, we established our country's new Armed Forces with the help of veteran internet soldiers to create an infrastructure that borrows from the best concepts from the old military, throws out the bad ones, and updates outdated ones.

Examples of ideas we've disposed of: tiny platoons. We've settled on platoon sized of 24 - fixed. 25 if you count the Platoon Commanding Officer. This is to conform with in-game Military Units, hoping that they'll become useful in the near future - 2 plats to a MU.

Also, the practice of referring members with questions to Chain of Command will not happen in our new military. We want to foster an open environment where everyone feels free to speak their mind - either to each other or their superiors. The practice of shutting down political conversation or involvement also will not happen. In all my years in internet politics, I've never gotten so involved in a political argument that it did irreversible damage to a relationship, unless I was trying. I don't believe that politics, at its core, divides people, but rather, the way one attempts to make an argument - and this can be about anything - does.

Also, we're using the national forum - not a side project - for our new Armed Forces, and I've already noticed new faces mingling with the crowd. Good to see Americans talking to each other again.

Today, we have three divisions in our new Armed Forces: Boot Camp, Army, and Army Special Forces.

Bear witness

White for Boot Campers. It has a cool silvery look, don't you think?

The blue Armed Forces stripe that you've come to know and love over the last 15 days

Radical red for our high-hitting US Army Special Forces, complete with a black stripe because back is totally bad ass

When you see that flashy red, white, or blue bar flying across the battlefield, America has arrived.

On the warfront, we've had successes and failures at home - we quickly shut down a war with Poland by swapping with Canada, and we're actively removing Polish aggressors from our regions. Last night, we took Delaware back - tonight, we're working on New Jersey.

I've had a few meetings with the Mexican president to discuss peace. I won't go into details at the moment, but we've discussed trading a region between the two of us to establish relations in addition to making peace. I'm a bit on the fence about giving an aggressor a region of ours, especially when they turned aggressive after our last attempt to have a friendly region swap with them. On the other hand, saltpeter.

Our Spanish front continues to wax and wane. While we gained the upper hand so far as to capture a region from them, then Poland invading Brozil turned our attention to more important matters, and Spain not only regained ground, but has taken a few of our regions. I'm looking forward to returning our attention to Spain.

In Brozil, we've freed Canary Islands and Southwest of Mexico from Poland. Those two regions are how Poland got into Brozil's homeland. We're working on freeing Center West of Brozil, and we won the battle of Rio Grande do Sul, which means that Brozil has the initiative. If we can beat Poland in North of Brozil tomorrow, that will be one more front removed.

Poland can't seem to keep an open front in the Western Hemisphere.

Russia is having hard times. My intelligence tells me that Russia was offered protection by Servia in exchange for easy passage, and Russia stood up and refused. I've been sending soldiers to defend Russia, but it's been an uphill battle. In no time, Servia has captured region after region, and are beelining as much as possible towards us. I guess they also want a piece of us.

~aren't we popular~

Resources. I've had a lot of complaints about our loss of Aluminum, and I'm working on that. We're hoping to win Jersey back in the morning, and if that happens, we'll take back Pennsylvania and let Canada have Delaware and New Jersey, which will open up our trade route while removing our border with Poland, who will hopefully be looking for someone to invade in a few days.

We've gained deer and fish from Canada, and like I said above, I'm looking into saltpeter. Iron was one of my goals in the election, but that looks less and less likely as time wears on.

UK is going to be invading Ireland soon. This act of clear aggression against a longtime ally of ours and Eden member cannot be tolerated by Terra. To make matters worse, the timing is god-awful. The UK chose to make this move while their Terra allies were under heavy fire by ONE forces. This isn't speculation - our ambassador tells us that the timing was chosen deliberately because the rest of us are having such a hard time. Source.

I've been very willing to overlook the UK's Servian MPP because of past relations. I've been setting my doubts aside - giving them ample time to let their "traitor" tag wear off, and let us go on being allies with a country who is considered a natural ally because of our irl bonds.

However, their continued issues with Ireland and their inability to resolve them for the greater good of our alliances - like so many others in Terra have sacrificed for their allies - makes me question their commitment to Terra and their willingness to contribute to our major operations.

I had a conversation with Kixart - UK citizen - about it in shouts earlier. I think it sheds light on the situation:

We've had an eventful half month so far, and even though we've had some losses abroad and at home, our alliances with Terra allies are very strong - for the most part. UK is, obviously, a problem. Argentina is still much closer to Indonesia than they are to us, but BIA was broken up when Brozil stood up for us against Indo early in the month.

Brozil have been very good allies so far, and every time I see a Brozil tank in one of our battles - and if it's an important battle, I know I'll see a lot - I know that we made the right decision all those months ago, when vigoncalves and Alexander Hamilton were presidents, and they made that historic and world-changing leap of faith.

Russia isn't seen a lot in battles, but I know that they're also having internal issues - their president resigned two days ago. I'm looking forward to continuing to fight against Servia with them.

China has helped us hold over in the early mornings, and we owe them a lot of thanks for their contributions while everyone else is asleep. We had rocky times last month, when they had an issue somewhat similar to the UK-Ireland situation, but it was resolved with diplomacy, and we are glad to still be good friends with both Japan and China.

We've fought some hard battles in both France and Germany, and though we lost both this month, we've been able to regain a lot of France, and some of Germany. These are two other countries that are natural allies of us, and I know that if we stick together, our countries will be stronger because of this. I have a theory that when noobs join and they see that you're allied with some backwater country like Servia, they assume that their leadership is insane and would rather go play with people who own XBoxes and don't think that Muhamar Gidaffi is an excellent leader.

I think that's a good stopping point.


15 günü dolduran başkanlık süremde kişisel olarak ve ülkece yaptıklarımızın özeti.

Seçildiğim gün ordunun hükümetten aldığı fonu reddetmesi yüzünden ordusuz kalmıştık. Başarısız diplomasi girişimleri sonucu milletvekillerim, Savunma Bakanlığı personelim ve danışmanlarımla yeni bir Silahlı Kuvvetler oluşturmaya karar verdik.

O günden beri deneyimli askerlerin de katkısıyla yepyeni bir ordu meydana getirdik. Kullanışlı olmaları açısından 24 kişilik bölükler oluşturduk, lideriyle birlikte 25 yapar. Emir Komuta Zinciri’nin getirdiği gereksiz resmiyeti de kaldırdık; böylece herkes düşüncesini alt-üst kademesine özgürce ifade edebilecek. Siyasetin temelinde insanları ayırdığına inanmıyorum; insanları ayıran bence kişinin tartışmasını ne şekilde sürdürdüğü. Aynı zamanda eUSA forumunu kullanmaya başladık, böylece herkese kaynaşıyor oldu, bunu görmek güzel.

Yeni Silahlı Kuvvetler’de 3 birlik var; Boot Camp, Army, ve Army Special forces.

Cephelerde, yurdumuzda hem başarılı hem başarısız olduk – Kanada ile toprak takası yapıp Polonya ile savaşı kesmiş olduk. Şimdi de onları kendi bölgelerimizden atıyoruz. Dün gece Delaware’i aldık, bu gece de New Jersey için çalışıyoruz.

Meksika başkanı ile barış görüşmesi yaptım. Detay veremem ama barış için aramızda 1-2 bölge takas etmeyi düşündük. Düşman bir ülkeye toprak verme konusunda pek hevesli değilim, özellikle geçen sefer onlarla bunu dostça halletmeye çalışırken takındıkları saldırgan tutum yüzünden. Diğer yandan da, saltpeter (güherçile).

İspanya cephemiz de coşmuş durumda. Onların bir bölgesini kazanıp insiyatifi almışken, Brezilya’yı işgale başlayan Polonya dikkatimizi başka tarafa çekti, İspanya da birkaç bölgemizi işgal etmiş oldu böylece. Şimdi tekrar İspanya’ya odaklanıyoruz.

Brozil için, Polonya’dan Kanarya Adaları ve Southeast Mexico’yu geri aldık. Şimdi de sırada Center West of Brazil var. Rio Grande do Sul’u da kazandığımıza göre, insiyatif Brezilya’da. North of Brazil’i de geri alırsak, bir bölge daha özgürleştirilmiş olacak.

Belli ki Polonya Batı Yarımküre’de cephelerini elinde tutamıyor.

Rusya da zor zamanlar geçiriyor; öğrendiğime göre Sırbistan’dan bize ulaşmaları için geçiş hakkı karşılığında ittifak teklifi almışlar ancak reddetmişler. Oraya askerler gönderiyorum ama zor bir savaş, Sırbistan toprak üstüne toprak alıp bize doğru ilerliyor.

Kaynaklar. Aluminyum konusunda çok şikayet alıyorum ve üstünde çalışıyorum. Eğer New Jersey’i geri alırsak, Pennsylvania’yı da alacağız ve Kanada’nın Delaware ve New Jersey’i almasına izin vereceğiz, bu da ticaret yolumuzu açacak ve işgal edecek yer arayan Polonya ile sınırımızı ortadan kaldıracak.

Kanada’dan geyik ve balık hammaddeleri aldık ve yukarıda da belirttiğim gibi saltpeter (güherçile) üstünde çalışıyoruz. Demir de seçimlerdeki hedeflerimden biriydi ancak zaman gçetikçe bu hedef daha da zorlaşıyor.

Birleşik Krallık yakında Irlanda’yı işgal edecek, zamanlamaları korkunç, özellikle Terra ittifakı böylesine yoğun savaşlar geçirirken. Dedikodu değil, kendi büyükelçileri bu zamanı bilerek seçtiklerini söyledi. Geçmiş ilişkilerimiz yüzünden onların Sırplar ile olan eski mppsini görmezden gelmek ve hain damgalarının silinmesini istiyorum çünkü gerçek hayatta da onlarla bağımız var. Ancak İrlanda ile bitmeyen sorunları ittifakımız için iyi olmuyor, bu da bağlılıklarını sorgulamama sebep oluyor.

Çok yoğun bir 15 gün geçirdik, yurtiçinde ve yurtdışında bazı kayıplarımız olsa da Terra ile ittifakımız çok sağlam. Birleşik Krallık, belli ki problemli. Arjantin Endonezya’ya bizden çok daha yakın ancak BIA ittifakı da Brezilya’ Endonezya’ya karşı bizimle birlikte savaşınca bitmiş oldu. Brozil müthiş bir müttefik, ne zaman tanklarını bizim şavaşlarımızda görsem doğru kararı verdiğime inanıyorum.

Rusya pek savaşlarda görünmedi, içişlerinde sıkıntı olduğunu biliyorum – başkanları iki gün önce istifa etti. Onlarla birlikte Sırplara karşı savaşmayı umuyorum. Çin bize sabahın erken saatlerindeki savaşlarda çok yardımcı oldu, herkes uyurken bize sağladıkları katkı için onlara müteşekkirim. Onlar da gçeen ay Birleşik Krallık-İrlanda benzeri bir sorun yaşadılar ancak bu kriz de diplomasi ile aşıldı, Japonya ve Çin ile halen iyi dost olmamızdan memnunum.

Fransa ve Almanya ile birlikte çetin savaşlarda bulunduk, her ikisinde kayıplarımız da olsa Fransa’nın birçok, Almanya’nın da bazı bölgelerini geri aldık. Bu ikisi bizim için doğal müttefikler ve birarada durursak daha güçlü olacağımıza inanıyorum.

Şimdilik bu kadar yeter.
-Translation by Cruinne
President Emerick
April 22, 2011
Day 16
Signing out