May 13 PP half term review + congress

Day 2,018, 06:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

This is a new series of articles for me don’t worry though I’m still doing the bus ones I have 3/4 of them to go.

Terms so far

Bad term for

One Vision
Yes the whole move to Australia thing has really impacted upon their membership numbers and they’ve gone from 51 on the 15th to 26 now giving a drop of 49%
But Sliversun is continuing the party and I’d say he is the true interim PP until the 15th although this will be a very difficult job I wish him good luck.

Another party collapse in the words of CheetahCurtis 'Everyone in the party decided it was dying so some players left.' This means a drop from 15 members to 7 a drop of 53%.

Good term for
Only 2 parties on my radar have actually gained members this month there’s been a downward trend in all numbers except;

I know very little about this party but the numbers speak for themselves they’ve gone from 47 to 64 which is a gain of 36% which is tremendous.

Being a new start up party they’ve gone from 0 to 8 in this term which is a infinity% rise 😛 an exciting new party they’ll hope to be cracking the top ten soonish.

Congress statistics

Good Congress
As we can see UKRP did the best with just under 16 members per congressman
Also a notable performance from UKPP who got below 20 too
And ESO who got 3rd best membership/congressman ratio while outside the top 5 which is quite a feat

Bad Congress
While technically Freemasons did the worst we must remember they’re not a top 5 party meaning they have to take whatever offer comes their way.
Of the top 5 parties New Era did the worst again there’re reasons for this the main reason I believe being high membership turnover with high recruitment and high mortality rates for it’s members.

For a full run down of membership changes you’ll have to wait until the 14th

Bonus pics