Liquid Asset

Day 1,710, 12:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

However I write economic articles, not military articles.
So here it goes:
*Q7 weapon factories are VERY relevant and will cause a major impact
*Q7 food factories are not very important and will not impact the world much
*The increased volume of RM Q& factories consume will drive RM prices higher, but FRM only slightly, WRM much more
*Q7 weapons are overpriced atm due to scarcity. Those prices will drop over the next few days, but are unlikely to normalize until the NEXT company upgrade offer.

Q7 weapons are not part of the rocket materials package, and tbh, I'm kicking myself for not forseeing this release.
I'd thought it odd Q6's are part of the rocket package, and never stopped to consider what that suggested >_ So a big FAIL by me there...

Since Q7 are independent of the rocket package, it's pricing behaviour should also behave independently.
Q6 weapon prices should decline due to reduced demand. Dump'em
In my previous article (3hrs after rocket implimentation) I suggested that rocket market mechanics would drive currency values up and suggested exchanging gold reserves for cash reserves. If you did so, you've made yourself over 50% gold profit. I'm happy to report the finance ministry moved heavily into cash during this period 😉
Q7 is a major release gold expenditure didn't push gold prices anywhere near back to the 2k mark. Illustrating how resilient currency value has become. I expect cash to break into 0.002, possibly as early as this Congressional term, making cash itself the most profitable investment on the short term.

Despite stealth production in the food market, monetary/price trends suggest a worlwide negative currency generation rate and there are currently no game mechanics preventing currency values from reaching just under the 0.005 mark. Currency globalization means that cash won't be able to breach this hardcap without governments using Congressional printing to collect on any offers above that price.

So tl;dr version: Play for CASH!!!