Kako da zatrazite pomoc ministarstvu? + informacija za izlecene

Day 561, 14:45 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ministarstvo Zdravlja Srbije


Kakva vam pomoc treba?

Ako je bas hitno, pokusajte prvo na chatu da zatrazite pomoc. URL za pristup chau je sledeci http://www.tinyurl.com/enovajlije

Ukoliko ne dobijete pomoc ili ukoliko niste isli na chat onda...

OVDE TRAZITE HLEB (samo oni sto se muce da ga nabave, tj ljudi sto zive u Srbiji)

OVDE TRAZITE POKLONE ZA POPRAVKU WELLNESS-a (samo oni ciji je wellnes ispod 40pts i koji imaju level 5. Ko nema level 5 nek saceka da to dostigne pa tek onda nek trazi) Trenutno malo kasnimo sa radom zbog prevelikog zahteva ali niko nece biti zaboravljen.

Ukoliko je situacija kriticna obavezno pokusajte dobiti pomoc na CHATU...

NOTA: Svi izleceni clanovi su dobili u instrukcijama danas link borbe i informaciju da se bore od 21h00. Taj rat je pomeren za sutra. Zao mi je ali stvarno nije do mene ... Nisam imao tu informaciju ... Izvinite za to


A sad sledi izvestaj za organizaciju MZS HLEB


Izvestaj 3 JUN 2009

Jasna Ragus has transfered 6 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Milan2303 has transfered 10 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Dolac has transfered 3 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Dolac has transfered 3 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Toba has transfered 4 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
JohnMcClane has transfered 2 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Zaeban Covek has transfered 2 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
sir.admiral has transfered 1 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Lukaz has transfered 3 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Nik Adams has transfered 5 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Filip Rankov has transfered 2 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Dehumanizer has transfered 9 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
budjobudjavi has transfered 2 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
DaRkO 206 has transfered 5 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Dazdevnjak has transfered 1 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
toothfairy has transfered 3 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Jagodinska pivara has transfered 9 products/raw materials to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Ministarstvo Zdravlja Srbije has transfered 10 GOLD to your account.
Congratulations MZS HLEB, your account has obtained Extra storage for one month because of an electronic payment.

You have bought 120 HUF for 2.76 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.
You have bought 100 HUF for 2.3 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.

