Issue 1: The Road to Power

Day 2,030, 16:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Issue 1: The Road to POWER

A very competent quiet term from this our last CP but a term where the eUK achieved a lot from a military perspective and while a lot of this was continuing upon the foundations of previous CPs it was still a very good term for which all major parties were united in their choice of Ayame Crocodile

I therefore award him title of king of the North North East South Florida swamp

because of this

He has shot up in the last few months and become number 1 on the true patriot list and his damage has been essential in wars against Argentina, Ireland, Denmark and Germany.

I therefore award him title of Tank Extraordinaire.

because of this

and making me laugh constantly throughout reading

I went through every chaz article (it was a pleasure) and I selected this one as my favourite
Although I would have had more to choose from had he not got drunk and deleted most of his back catalogue.

I therefore award him the title Baron of Fun

3 most evil wrong number replies

In at 3.

at 2

and in 1st place and the most evil wrong number message reply I could find