Interview with presidential candidates of eCyprus

Day 1,808, 09:52 Published in Cyprus Ukraine by xSteviex

Hello, dear friends!
November 5, elections will be held for president of eCyprus. It is always important and crucial moment in the elife of every eCypriots as we decide who will rules the country next month 😃

It will be a struggle between the two candidates rafor from United Cyprus Party and Finway from Cypriot National Union. To them I asked the same 8 questions :з

— Hello! I congratulate you on what you wanted to become the President - is not an easy profession. I wish you every success in the forthcoming elections and ask a few questions.
So, 1. Why did you decide to go for the President of Cyprus?

rafor: Hello xSteviex.Thanks a lot for your wishes and i will try my best whichever the result is. Well running for president wasn't a decision I took after much thought.Vash proposed me as a candidate and I thought of the possibilies to run for it. I realised that I can do a lot for Cyprus. I think winnning the presidential elections , will be a chance to change my view of the game.
Finway: Ohio Steve gozaimasu o/ Thank you kanki, I appreciate that. 🙂
First, to avoid master fail as they were no candidate. Then, for fun, and to help improve the country. I think I can do that. 😃

— 2. Which course will take Cyprus concerning blocks: EDEN, CTRL, exONE, exTERRA?

rafor: Cyprus was always loyal to exTerra alliance.We have great friends in here and we will continue our friendship and support. Also as I mention in my article, it's about time to review some of our MPP's. We have some work on it!
Finway: Hmm none of them? I think we can find friendship with home countries of different people here in Cyprus and build our own path (semih alliance, cCc Balkan United cCc,... 😛).

— 3. What priorities will be set in the internal politics: the economy, society (awareness, launch government programs), Army (Cyprus formation as military state)

rafor: Our priorities this month will be the economy and the society. We need to increase our income and by that way we can improve the Army and have a fortum running. Also it's really important that we give high priority in the society. We don't have many active players in Cyprus, even though there are more players that could become a part of our community. I expect to see more articles about the game or RL written by ecypriots.
Finway: My program is set with priorities order. This game and even more in Cyprus, this is all about men, women, kittehz working and playing together. I want a community united looking at the same goals.

— 4. Have you decided with Cabinet of Ministers?

rafor: I have my cabinet completed and it will be published in my newspaper soon. So be patient 🙂
Finway: Yes, I'll be Imperator 😃
I don't have a determined Cabinet. I know I may be able (:3) to find people, and I'd like emulation, people to come discuss & argue, and to help all by themselves.

— 5. Will involve youth policy or you tend to trust to the «old guard»?

rafor: Hmm. This is a really interesting question. We need the veterans but I would like to see youth players too. Unfortunately not many have approached me so far.
Finway: When you have visited all old fags a$$es on the island, you're forced to find new people, younger, easier :/ and who need practice. 😃 I always helped younger on this game (cCc Juniors Protector cCc) and it would be great to have a babyboom ; even if I know it's very hard.

— 6. Lately, Cyprus inhabit different nationality. How you think, Cyprus threatens PTO?

rafor: Cyprus has ever been a multi-national nation in the game. We have many players from greece, turkey, serbia, ukraine and even more countries. We trust each other and I don't think that at the moment there is a PTO threat. In case of it, the Home Affairs ministry will do the job. We will check suspicious accounts and report them to admins. Also I would like to have a communication with the party leaders, about the candidates at the congress elections.
Finway: My first law will be a NE against Ukrainia, then maybe we can discuss... 😛
To have new people is a luck, and to have different nationalities is a big luck. Maybe everyone is not okay with that, I can understand their feelings, but Cyprus can't play with 30 RL Cypriots. If we're here today, it's because other people helped to rise Cyprus. I don't care where people come from if they feel Cypriot, and if their only goal is the island and no other interest.

— 7. What difficulties do you think can wait for you in the seat of the President and how you will cope with them?

rafor: My personal opinion is that economy is the biggest obstalce we have to overcome. If we success in the economy then we will solve a lot of cyprus' problems.
Finway: I think a CP can have a lot 😮 and I'm curious! Bring them to me, I'm ready to fight! 😛
"Come get some"

— 8. And finally, would you like something to wish your opponents? 🙂

rafor: There are no opponents for me Stevie! Me and finway are really good friends and I wish him goodluck 🙂
Finway: I'd like Rafor to find a home, a work, a dad and a mum ahahah 😃
I wish him all the best and I hope he'll win 🙂 Rafor 😘

— Well, thank you for a wonderful interview!

Also u can read their articles

Running for President [ΕΛ/EN] by rafor
[Cyprus] Finway, a new Hope (Hope Hopa Gangsta Style) by Finway