Interview with our Ex President - with Varlosh

Day 1,332, 01:11 Published in Egypt Croatia by Edd_dread
After so much questions without answers what happends with money across past, and where are thousands of EGP and golds, and where all of that were spent, i talked to Varlosh.. and he gave me answer of all of that.. I promissed him that this is the last time that I ask him about that, and i hope that noone of LnL shall ask him again something about that..
I also hope that u won't get too bored reading this ..

[ Edd_dread ] Varlosh.. Where is the money which one we put on National Bank of Egypt???
[ Varlosh ] what?
[ Edd_dread ] Where is all the money which one we put on one org?! Named National Bank of Egypt??
[ Varlosh ] who put money in org?
[ Edd_dread ] a congress..
[ Varlosh ] oh .. lol. Thats been mostly used up
[ Varlosh ] 🙂
[ Edd_dread ] where??? why don't we get money to use it???
[ Varlosh ] We have a country to run
[ Varlosh ] Im confused again
[ Edd_dread ]i think, why dont we have so much money as u have??? Where did u spent all of it?? To your bots? To Ahmed bots??
[ Varlosh ] Bots? You mean Egy-bot? the irc bot?
[ Edd_dread ] not
[ Edd_dread ] your own eRep bots .. u know that u have it..
[ Varlosh ] oh
[ Varlosh ] If i knew how to make bots
[ Edd_dread ] Ahmed even gave us his link..
[ Varlosh ] I would teach you
[ Edd_dread ] of second one player..
[ Varlosh ] LOL
[ Edd_dread ] and u probably have more..
[ Varlosh ] Im sure he was kidding and you took him seriously
[ Varlosh ] I have no bots and no multies
[ Edd_dread ] but Varlosh..
[ Varlosh ] unless you mean:
[ Edd_dread ] how could u spend so much EGP ??
[ Varlosh ] and
[ Edd_dread ] i didn't think about that.. i even doesn't know that exist..
[ Edd_dread ] I just want to know..where are all golds?
[ Varlosh ] Because its clear "i made them", seeing as im stupid enough to make an account with the name "varlosh1" and not think its a multi
[ Varlosh ] Did you make those accounts?
[ Edd_dread ] of course not.. i didn't know that they exist..
[ Edd_dread ] do u remember that u have almost 500 golds when u came here??
[ Varlosh ] Do you remember we got deleted?
[ Varlosh ] In deleteion to get the country back we spent 300 gold
[ Edd_dread ] 300 golds? On what?
[ Varlosh ] and actually that was Arab Leagues term, not mine
[ Varlosh ] MPPS and RW used to cost gold my friend.. Supplying army, cost gold.. Supplying foregin countries cost gold
[ Edd_dread ] i know that.. But i want to know why dont president get password of national org??
[ Varlosh ] Well, I told him
[ Varlosh ] I dont have it 🙂
[ Varlosh ] he offered me 5 gold
< Edd_dread > who have it? who have a password of national org?
[ Varlosh ] and to take all the money in the bank, for the org.. but im not some theif to take the money 🙂
[ Varlosh ] I simply dont own it anymore
[Edd_dread] but Varlosh, who have it than??
[ Edd_dread ] somebody have to.. tell me who..
[ Varlosh ] pm ahmedae
< Edd_dread > you know how he talk to me..
[ Varlosh ] 🙁
[ Varlosh ] yes i know
[ Edd_dread ] i shall try .. u shall see in copy paste what he answered me..
[ Edd_dread ] (after few minutes) he doesn't answer me..
[ Varlosh ] 🙁
[ Varlosh ] Listen ill talk to him
[ Edd_dread ] its better ..
[ Varlosh ] But i need you to answer me something
[ Edd_dread ] ok.. ask me.. whatever u want
[ Varlosh ] Have i been resonable with you? HAve i been anything but polite? Have i kicked you from eegypt, banned you from anywhere? Have i Wrote ONE - just ONE - article against you? And by you i mean LnL
[ Edd_dread ] Varlosh, u are total opposite of him.. And I don't understand why do u give him so much chances to do that to us..
[ Edd_dread ] why do u gave him chance to kick or ban me every day.. few times?! thats only one minus of u ..
[ Edd_dread ] in all way.. you maybe spend a little bit money and golds on training with napoleon..
[ Varlosh ] Then why do you and ante-os CONSTANTLY accuse me of stealing?
[ Edd_dread ] i don't know if u do that.. 🙂 .. u probably knows the best
[ Varlosh ] Okay, thats enough. Let me lay down the facts
[ Varlosh ] I spent my OWN money to by gold and used that gold to train .. AND to tank
[ Varlosh ] Alright
[ Varlosh ] My OWN money, my own investment in this game. Not national money
[ Varlosh ] AhmedAE bought 1000 gold so far
[ Edd_dread ] but u could than say.. where is national money.. and put where are EGP .. thousands of it.. and golds.. people want to know
[ Varlosh ] Do you think we need to steal? He bough 1000 gold
[ Varlosh ] 1000 - its not peanuts. We are not people who need to steal money
[ Edd_dread ] i know.. but u never answer where is money which were on national account..
[ Varlosh ] I will answer you now, but i never want to hear this question again. From you OR from any LnL
[ Edd_dread ] ok..
[ Varlosh ] Like i said, much of the gold was burnt up to free egypt after deletion, as well as to fund the war
[ Varlosh ] on going between egypt and greece
[ Varlosh ] Because we had an region swap agreement, and we had to buy tanks. To keep the NE to our favour.. Ultimatly, we were betrayed and that cost even more gold. And then we went to 0 regions. From here, we spent over 100 gold converting Gold to currency to start resistance wars. And lets not forget, MPPs used to cost gold too.. And we lost a LOT of resistance wars, if you remember. After that, once we finally got our regions back we were eback to square one
[ Edd_dread ] i believe that.. but Varlosh.. when we saved the country.. we have lot of golds.. and lot of EGP.. thousands..
[ Varlosh ] Our country was broken, In taters.. Our economy menat nothing.. Our currency was worthless. We supplied over 200,000k EGP to the public, in terms of Q5 tanks.. all of it to the egyptian people
[ Edd_dread ] but why did u gave so good firms to someone new... someone who maybe isnt playing game more... how do u choose someone who need that golds to open factorieS?
[ Varlosh ] We also spent a lot of gold, helping new players start companies
[ Edd_dread ] but how do u choose who need that? Maybe some of them quit playing..
[ Varlosh ] no.. NONE of them have quit so far
[ Varlosh ] For example was given 35 gold to create a rubber planatation. Now he has 15 employees. Works and trains daily. MAkes a lot of money and is supplying our armed forces. This is one example - we gave out many many more grants and all of them are today still active
[ Varlosh ] Me and ahmed made our economy a world wide economy
[ Varlosh ] Even you cant deny it. Our prices rivled with poland and were better than china, at the end of my last term
[ Varlosh ] And china had all resources bonuses.. we have 4
[ Edd_dread ] he has lot of emplyers, but some of them doesnt work every day..
[ Varlosh ] Thats not the point - he is very active and he is supplying our armed forces.. we didnt give gold to his empolees
[ Edd_dread ] i dont understand why didnt u give us chance to try make better economy status..
[ Varlosh ] With all due respect, you couldn't achieve what he did. The guy is a genius economist. In his first week in erepublik he created a market monopoly, in eegypt.. And make thousands of EGP
[ Edd_dread ] why is Ahmed for example all the time talking against us??
[ Varlosh ] Why is he talking against you? Because he is an egyptian
[ Varlosh ] Because there is something a croat will never understand - or a serb, or a british or most people.. He is Egyptian.. And i am egyptian
[ Varlosh ] We are in a country that has been opressed and raped in real life, by foregin powers.. all it's life.. We natually are a very very nationlistic race.. We love Egypt...
[ Varlosh ] ...
[ Varlosh ] And we love egyptians
[ Varlosh ] HE believes, as do many many Egyptians, that even in a game, such as erepublik - Egypt is for Egyptians, as far as they are concerened
[ Edd_dread ] ok.. i understand... but why don't u remove his OPs?
[ Varlosh ] You are just like Israelis did to plaestine. You come in and claim you can be CP
[ Varlosh ] Because he is a great eEgyptian. He built this country's economy, a0s the fastest economy growth in the world
[ Edd_dread ] but u even don't live in Egypt, in RL
[ Varlosh ] I travel a lot, but i own houses in egypt.. And i stay there a lot.. Plus my nationlaity is egyptian.. And i speak arabic
[ Varlosh ] 🙂
[ Edd_dread ] when shall u rent me one house 😃 ??
[ Varlosh ] you are welcome to come anytime
[ Varlosh ] 😉
[ Varlosh ] Just not now, the country is in turmoil at the moment
[ Edd_dread ] i know that.. but let the RL put on the other side..
[ Edd_dread ] just one or two question more..
[ Edd_dread ] Shall u give national org after consulting with Ahmed to President?
[ Varlosh ] No comment - I do not have the password at the moment but sure i have nothing against giving it to him as long as everyone else is happy, i am happy. What is important is that *our ships all must sail in the same direction*
[ Varlosh ] For the betterment of egypt
[ Edd_dread ] yes.. thats only important.. and i hope that u shall all see it..
[ Edd_dread ] Last Question.. Can u tell Ahmed not to do so much kicks per day to us? and others without reason... Or just, to be better offical channel, could u remove his OP ?
[ Varlosh ] I told you already - his op will stay as he has done so much for egypt, he deserves more than an op, he deserves a statue in his name.
[ Varlosh ] Finally, i would like to point out that i have always been resonable with croats, treated everyone as eEgyptians.. I have not been an enemy to anyone.. On the conterary, i am a resonable man, who believes in teh importance of friendship
[ Varlosh ] 🙂
[ Edd_dread ] i believe you 😉
[ Edd_dread ] you are total opposite of Ahmed 🙂
[ Edd_dread ] thank you all about this 😛
[ Varlosh ] No, Thank you 🙂
[Varlosh ] Just make sure i never hear a word about missing currency again
[ Varlosh ] Or i swear i will become angry .. And that i cannot forgive
[ Varlosh ] 🙂
[ Edd_dread ] 😛
