Interview President Kordak; Situation Belgium and Germany

Day 2,288, 08:22 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

Most of you have already noticed that we have proposed Belgium as natural enemy, and that Germany proposed us as natural enemy and invaded us.

But what's the opinion of our Country President; Kordak? I wanted to know what his opinion was of this situation, so I had another interview with him. I hope you will get a clearer vision of what the Government thinks about this difficult situation.

1. What do you think of the sudden proposal to elect Belgium as our Natural Enemy?
-The main reason to have a war was going to have fun. Unfortunately a Natural Enemy was started too early by a congress member that also wanted a war, but did not know about the plans yet. Besides of that it was illegal for him to start the vote, but I am glad to see he didn’t get blacklisted for that. I want to focus at the next congress elections at informing all new congressmen about the law.

2. The first one was rejected, what was your reason to start a second proposal?
-Simple: Fun, more action in the community and last but not least more bonuses.

3. Germany has proposed us as a Natural Enemy, what is your opinion about that?
-They are just obeying orders from Poland. It is a bit weird they did not inform us first, which makes this an example of Sirius Imperialism against us. It is a pity, because I offered Poland to NE them if we were able to continue corporation together and join the new alliance. The old government of Poland was way more approachable than the new one, who just wants to prove itself by aggressive region retaking.

4. What do you think was the reason that the Germans have proposed us as their Natural Enemy?
-Poland was the reason. Germany does not decide things on their own, they never really did.

5. Piet Heyn has proposed Germany as our Natural Enemy, how do you think Germany will respond to that?
- Well they play it dirty, since they loose land before our NE is finished. So we are not able to NE them at all, because our NE ends when they loose the region.

I hope you got a clearer version on the situation Belgium/Germany/(Poland) If you still got questions you can always ask our Government. (But don't ask them to many, they also have their normal business to do.)

As always readers please vote and subscribe to my Newspaper; that would be really appreciated!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror