INCI PTO Fails - NCP Congressional Sign Up

Day 1,548, 22:07 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

As I am writing this article, the PTO launched by Kemal Ergenekon, de facto leader of the INCI group that has terrorized America for a year, has failed in its attempt to PTO the New Conservative Party. This is a huge defeat for those who wished to destroy the NCP. We are also free from a month of tyranny under PigInZen. Thank you to all who made this possible. I chose to not run this month because of several reasons. Firstly, INCI's allies in the government would of abused their positions to assist them if I did choose to candidate. Secondly, I always put others before myself. While I would like the flashy title, I don't need it. What is important is that hundreds of patriotic eAmericans will be free to participate in the civic arena once again. What those who hate me so much don't seem to understand, is that this has never been about one person. This has been about standing up for what it means to be an American. I applaud all of you who did this today!

Also, some of you may have noticed a mini-PTO occurring in the tiny SEES Brotherhood today. Dio told me to run there and to use the party to raise awareness for Armenians, mostly to troll INCI, but since there were dozens of votes moved there to stop me, it sadly will not happen. At least I wasted their time. 😉

I want to congratulate LordRahl2 on his election to the Party Presidency. I know that he and Party Vice President Sugawara Michizane will do a fine job. I have been authorized to begin the process of assembling congressional candidates for the coming elections on the 25th. The process is fair and straighforward. It is on a first come, first served basis. Sign up to be a candidate in any state that has not had another person declare their candidacy before you. The only people who are not eligible to run are those known to have supported the INCI PTO of the NCP. If you would like party voting assistance, please contact us ahead of time. If you ask the day before the election you are most likely going to be on your own, so be sure to plan ahead. Those with the most active campaigns and who are the most active in the party will be prioritized.

Let's have a great month! o7
Sincerely Yours,
General Cartman Lee