Idle troopers

Day 721, 16:31 Published in Norway Sweden by Maegalodonus

That's right.

After the fall of Slovakia, which sadly meant the end of EDEN's training war, and the cancellation of the Asian training war, there are many loud voices of complaint about the current situation. The joes are playing pool, smoking pot, drinking benzine, etc....

Morale is low. Boredom is high. No wars, no fight. Some can afford to travel to distant battlefields in distant countries to participate in their wars. But the rest, remains in their barracks, playing pool, smoking pot, drinking benzine... letting their minds wander freely. An explosive cocktail.

Some want action, on whatever side, on whatever battlefield, and they are frustrated by a perceived better PEACE organizational skills and constant initiative in this war. Our cameramen have filmed exclusive footage of what could be consider as a mutiny inside one of EDEN's barracks, out of pot and boredom.

See the complete action here: