I will NOT be running for New Era PP

Day 2,001, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

The whole thing was a joke from the start a joke in the middle and got a little too serious for me at the end.
BUT I do have some things to say about the whole thing,

Yes I was hacked the hacker seemed to be trying to get me banned I was fortunate enough to be online at the time and caught it within about 10 minutes. If anyone saw anything explicit within those 5-10 minutes or got sent any messages from me in that time I would like to again apologise and ask you please don’t get me banned.

It is a testament to the hacker’s intellect that they managed to hack my account but aren’t intelligent enough to get me banned in 10 mins well done

When checking my account I found I has resigned from the new era PP list now I’m not blaming anyone in particular but I think there’s only 1 motive behind doing that I don’t know who it was but I would like that person to know I’ve changed my password to a much better one.

Now a couple of days ago an article was brought out insinuating that I was messaging new era players trying to get them banned.

This article was created by General Marley who I believe to be blameless in all this he assumed something wrong about me but I can’t say he knows enough about the forfeit system to know what would actually happen to someone who sends a ‘dirty’ joke to someone.
What would happen is they would get 1 forfeit point, which does precisely nothing to their account

I know because I’ve got one now too

I believe that Marley genuinely thought I was trying to get people banned (as I’m an evil PTOer) what I can’t believe is that Bigant an experience player who knows the rules could believe that’s what I was doing

Marley hasn’t responded to my messages but BA has indeed removed the message he posted on the new era feed about me. No one has apologised but I think that’s the best I can hope for given the situation.

New era held primary elections for the PP seat this was I believe quite a smart move considering my PTO actions

This is a fine and smart move but hiding the vote away at the top of an article’s comments is a really bad place to have it and after 3 days only 16 people have voted on this (not including dapper that one’s up to you) the results from this election, 8 for BA, 4 for Wigibob, 2 for me, 1 for Mr Conway and 1 for Sir Ethan William Woodhouse.

Yes that means that in a party of 277 members 16 voted that’s under 6% that’s incredibly low and it’s not reflective of how many people actually vote in new era (over 100). It’s a good job this was a joke as I could easily raise 9 votes for myself then ‘forcing’ everyone else to step down. If there are any New Erites reading this THE VOTE IS STILL OPEN it closes at midnight tonight you can still vote here’s the link http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-new-era-party-president-primary-election-2259009/1/20 scroll down to the top comment and vote for who you actually want whoever that maybe.

Yes a lot who read my manifesto laughed but why well.

it was full of jokes I LOST UKPP 94 members while I was in charge but the first person to notice this seemed to be

Neil Lewis a whole 42 hours after publishing the New Erites who posted almost immediately after it came out didn’t which leads me to believe they didn’t read my article, which is disappointing, as I read all their articles.


always a joke even told sven that

i think it might be over now (phew)


So how do I rate New Era very easily I rate New Era

WHAT! mwc? I was kind of getting from this article that you disliked new era. NO I don’t dislike new era, new era has 277 members I haven’t met 267 of them and of those 10 I’ve met I liked 4 of them so new era is filled with potential for eUK it’s a breeding ground for new players who’ve been promised a voice. but it's just that 5% that accuse, harass and harangue players making this game a worst place to be for everyone.

bonus pic

funny guys