Hungarians, read this

Day 496, 10:29 Published in Poland Poland by Hormonek

Article author: Thomas Gorzkiewski

1) We needed High grain region, so we took Vohlynia Region.
2) PEACE (so You too) started Resistance War.
3) And yes, We're Romania's slaves, because:
a) We are in Atlantis.
b) Romania is in Atlantis.
c) You are in PEACE.
d) Romania have war with you (I know, Romania hadn't reason to start it).
4) Your Coutry's well known words are: 'We want only our land' are false. Why? That's easy. What's with austrian territory - Burgenland? Is that Your's land? No!
5) Yes, group of Poles made Take Over in Mexico. But not Our Goverment. And what with You, Italians and Indonesians? ARE YOU SAINT? DEFINITLY NO!