Hungarian gold helping Serbia...

Day 562, 05:48 Published in Hungary Serbia by Ministarstvo Zdravlja Srbije
Bonjour mes chers Hongrois,

Vous avez aidé la Serbie en offrant à notre ministère de santé les 150 pièces d'or pour permettre de guérir nos nouveaux joueurs.
Notre ministère achète les produits en Hongrie, et ainsi cet argent reste la propriété des Hongrois et nos joueurs sont guéris. J' espère que notre ministère n'épuise pas trop vos stock en nourriture et en cadeaux.
C'est donc plus de 50 pièces d'or qui ont été réinvestis dans le marché Hongrois en 2 jours. Un bel exemple de coopération. Non?

Hello my dear Hungarians,

You helped Serbia in offering to our ministry of health the ammount of 150 gold coins to help heal our new players.
Our department buys the products in Hungary, and that money remains the property of Hungarians and our players are healed. I hope that our ministry does not ruin yours stocks in food and gifts.
So it is more than 50 gold coins that have been reinvested in the Hungarian market in 2 days. A good example of cooperation. Isn't it? 🙂


Serbian ministry of health

4 June
You have succesfully bought 40 products (hleb) for 39.9 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products (hleb) for 39.9 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (hleb) for 19.95 HUF.
You have successfully donated 5 GOLD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen/organization account. (MZS HLE😎
You have bought 400 HUF for 9.2 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 40 products (poklona) for 87.36 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products (poklona) for 87.36 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products (poklona) for 88.2 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 45 products (poklona) for 99.225 HUF.
You have bought 250 HUF for 5.75 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products (poklona) for 117.18 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 10 products (karti) for 125.895 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 30 products (poklona) for 76.86 HUF.
You have bought 120 HUF for 2.76 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.
You have bought 100 HUF for 2.3 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products for 44.415 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 30 products (hleba) for 30.555 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products (hleba) for 40.74 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products (hleba) for 40.32 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 40 products for 40.74 HUF.
You have bought 100 HUF for 2.3 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 7 products (hleba) for 7.1295 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 10 products for 10.29 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 35 products (poklona) for 70.56 HUF.
You have bought 150 HUF for 3.45 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have bought 150 HUF for 3.45 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have bought 150 HUF for 3.45 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 35 products (pokloni) for 70.56 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 35 products for (pokloni) 77.175 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 30 products for 59.535 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products for 39.69 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 7 products for 84.7455 HUF.
You have successfully donated 10 GOLD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen/organization account.
You have bought 200 HUF for 4.6 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have bought 200 HUF for 4.6 GOLD. This offer will be back on market in a minute!
You have succesfully bought 45 products (poklona) for 90.2475 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (poklona) for 39.9 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (poklona) for 39.9 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (hleba) for 20.79 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (poklona) for 39.69 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 20 products (hleba) for 21 HUF.
You have succesfully bought 10 products (poklona) for 19.845 HUF.