Happy Easter eRepublik AND Passover!

Day 1,599, 23:01 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I know I am publishing this a day early, but I wanted to be the first to get this in. I pray that the miracle of Easter will touch all of us and inspire us to be better people and more faithful to the values that are the cornerstone of our society. For awhile now I have been doubting myself, and wavering in my beliefs, just as I feel most of the world is. You all know I have always been honest with you and have probably noticed I have made mistakes in eRepublik that I would not have made before. This is because I have become increasingly sadder and have withdrawn myself even more from a world I simply am unsatisfied with. I hope this Easter will be one which brings us all peace, hope, happiness, truth, and many blessings. Pray for me. I will pray for all of you. Let us all remember this most amazing of miracles. If he can rise from the dead, then we can rise from our challenges too. 🙂

To my fellow Israelites, don't think I forgot about you! 🙂 Hail Jehovah! o/