Greetings eSweden! (Updated)

Day 1,474, 00:55 Published in Sweden Australia by Dartreal

(EDIT: After posting this I heard about some more good things to come out of Sweden, and remembered a few myself!)

Hello eSweden!

My name is Dartreal and I've arrived from eAustralia. I'm beginning to tour the eWorld and I've decided to come to eSweden first.

For those who don't know me I do comics to help bring some more fun to eRepublik. For a full list of comics that I've done here is a link:

I'll continue to post my series here so start catching up now if you're interested.

So why did I pick eSweden? I know some cool eSwedes already so I thought, "Why not meet some more cool eSwedes!" Sweden is pretty cool in real life as well. Here are some awesome things that have come from Sweden!

I'm looking forward to my stay here and I hope you enjoy my comics.

Lots of love,