Goodbye eSweden!

Day 1,536, 13:32 Published in Sweden Australia by Dartreal

Today the Dear Father leaves eSweden to continue his eWorld Tour.

I'm kinda sad leaving the country having been through a far bit from it - from being here at the height of the nation's power to it being wiped off the map only to have it re-emerge.

I found eSweden to be a very cool place (no pun intended) and I ended up staying around a lot longer than what I thought I would. I was warmly welcomed into the community and made a lot of new friends and a lot of new fans of my comics as well.

If there's something else I've learnt about the eSwedes is that's they fight with everything they've got for their allies - putting them first even when they're getting wiped off the map. I know you guys will return to the height of your power soon so all the best my friends.

I hope you guys have enjoyed my company here and enjoyed reading my comics. I hope you all continue to follow them as my eWorld Tour continues. And here's a link to the full list of comics I've done:

A special thanks goes out to Fredrok- my soon-to-be Overlord of eEurope. Thanks for helping me fit in with eSweden. May your axe bring you many kills.

Until we meet again eSweden - goodbye, good luck and all the best!

Lots of love,