Glories Irish Music Part 2

Day 1,058, 06:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Hello Ireland,

This is a continuation from an article I made a few months back called Glorious Irish Music. We have a rich history filled with proud moments were men and women laid down their live's for the greater good and every single Irish person owe's them a debt of gratitude. People like Robert Emmet, Thomas Clarke, Kevin Barry, Micheal Collins, Bobby Sands, James Connolly, Padraig Pearse, Constance Markiewicz and so many more.

Here are some song's I wish to show to all eIrish citizens.

Bobby Sands MP - Bold Fenian Man -

Bobby Sands - The Peoples Own MP -

Bobby Sands - The Rhythm Of Time - - Poem

This IS the truth about Bobby Sands -

The Wolfe Tones The Dying Rebel -

Kevin Barry -

The Belfast Brigade -

Due to ongoing wars, I am unable to post more...but the above tell the truth of what Bobby Sands MP once said "Our revenge will be the laughter of our children"

RIP to all fallen, you will never be forgotten.

Proud Irishman, Now & Forever,
Marcus Suridius
eIreland Minister of Defence