Game titles and their responsibilities [ Part I ]

Day 1,797, 16:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Imagine if Jinnah, took a break and chilled out, after he got into congress or became president of the Muslim League. Imagine that he didn't do anything and just came into office on and off to see what's up.

There are a few roles in eRepublik that you can play, some have official titles, others are unofficial but its the title that defines the role and the responsibility. I've split it over several parts, this will be Part I.

So lets start from the most powerful:


This is where most of you will fall under, right now few in number but you are the deciding factor in the direction the country heads in. You are also the workforce, the income and the strength. It's important you keep up to date of what your government is doing, so that in times of need you can be there to voice your opinion or do your duty.

Party President

The second most important position in the game is that of the Party President. Once elected by the eCitizens in the party, the Party President can decide who becomes a congressman and who becomes a President. If the job is done correctly, the party president provides motivation and makes sure his members voice is heard.

So folks, think about it, nations are not built by one man, its built by the citizens of that nation. More citizens need to get involved, to ask the right questions and to expect results from our government, congress and senate.

To be continued in a few days.

Kind Regards
