Friendship commitment–an official proposal of the Foreign Office Moldova Irl

Day 793, 02:53 Published in Ireland Republic of Moldova by Foreign Office Moldova

Nowadays we, the eMoldavian Congress and Government, consider improving the international relationships and developing new ties with other countries similar to us.

Hence, we have formulated and transmitted to other presidents, MoFAs, or just citizens of the eWorld, our proposition to settle an agreement in the shape of an alliance between little and medium sized states.


Because the existing alliances embrace only big and strong states, leaving out the smaller ones. Also, because the mighty states generally manage their own politics following their goals, often regardless of the interests of the little states.
Moreover, the little states, taken individually, have no significance to a big country, like the USA, Spain, Hungary or Russia, but, put together, say 5 little states, could match the big states size.

Another reason is that in little states communities are very close (it is more natural to establish strong bonds with some people but it tends to be impossible to do so in a community of over 10.000, for example).
Finally, to better protect and defend our interests.


As a rule, the little states do not have high amounts of resources (as general strategy in eR, the big countries take the high resources region – this being the primary cause of the world wars) so they also do not have very much money (or gold) to support a big war effort.
That for we believe that the little countries should activate MPPs only in case of danger, like some external threat or fighting for regaining a region which previously (originaly) belonged to them. Also, we believe that it is not appropriate to create “external” funds, based on the contributions of the friendship member states and neither to create elaborated HQ structures and bureaucratic staff.
Still, some councils will be needed (like the council of ePresidents, the council of the MoDs or the council of the MoFAs), but in order to assure the presence and representation of all the country’s involved.

But we do consider that all the countries involved in this should maintain strong relations, at all levels (even between citizens), so as to exercise and cement the friendship between them.
In other words, we see a community of equal country’s and, most important, equal people, in rights and liberties.

Also, we believe the economic joint venture between countries will prove beneficial.

This community is meant for defense and mutual support, not for conquering territories / winning wars.

Method / Concept

This is just a proposition, subject to changes and negotiation between the interested countries, which will be made public in all the countries we have already contacted so as to get the feedback of the people and/or of the country Congress and Presidents.

Should some countries show interest in this we will proceed to the next step, which is effectively signing the allegiance pledge of this community.

Best regards to all of you !

Maniu, President of eMoldova

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Foreign Office Moldova

Moldavian MoFA newspaper