France and Pakistan declare Friendship, Pact(International)

Day 234, 09:43 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Category: Politics, Military

One week ago, a friendship pact between France and Pakistan[a url=]was announced[/a]. The concrete terms of the agreement were a two month NAP between the countries, a promise not to officially lend soldiers or funds to countries attacking each other, and an agreement to further the relations between their opposing alliances(Pakistan's FIST, and the French's MA).

After hearing the announcement, I contacted both France's foreign relations minister, Leon Blum, and Pakistan's president, Senor Schlong. I didn't recieve a reply from Leon Blum, but I had a conversation with Senor Schlong, where we talked with me about the history of the pact, and his hopes for its future:

Senor Pakistan and France have always had a respect and admiration for each other, since the days of the honourable Cicero and the fact that they were one of the few places to actually show us some respect. This we have honored and always kept on good terms with them. I assume the reason they wanted to make it official is that we are both countries going governmental shifts, and felt that this needed to be formalize, to avoid it being undone. I know Spain and all that think its us trying to manipulate the MA, but really its nothing more than that. Its a good step for us, as its the start of people taking us seriously and not being treated as lepers, and it means that France have someone else to hold thei back
IP Yeah, and it was really a shock when I saw that, lthough you helped them against Switzerland.....
Senor I don’t know why people are so shocked about it
IP Mostly because you're not really taken as seriously because of your trolling addiction
Senor Hah, our curse and our asset
IP lol
IP So, when did the idea for this come up?
Senor A few messages between us, and we decided it would be a good idea. France put it to their people, I put it to ours, we all agreed it would be a good idea
Senor It was just one of the few things that came from me being elected to office rather than the usual suspects
IP Do you want to say anything else?
Senor Not really. Id be curious to know where we stand with USA though, seems a bit of split opinion
Senor What would you say is the general opinion on us there?
IP Officially, we're on good terms. The older people respect you, but some newer citizens, especially those who came after the US-Canadian war don't really like you
Senor Yeah thought as much.
IP After we explain what happened during the war though, they lighten up
Senor I'm kinda sifting around across countries trying to find where we stand with people
IP They can't have an MPP with you because they're in the MA, right?
Senor Im not sure how that works, but i think its something like that
IP You didn't ask for one?
Senor Well, I don’t want to push anything rash, if this is the reaction we get for a friendship pact, then signing an MPP would have probably pissed of Spain to the point of kicking France out of the MA, and I'd hate to be responsible for that. Anyways, right now it doesn’t look necessary for an MPP
IP Have you talked to Spain's new president?
Senor Not the new one now
IP You might want to
Senor Yeah I plan to at some point
Senor I'm just having a hard enough time getting in contact with everyone here without heading abroad
IP Oh yeah
IP Where do you see this relationship going?
IP With France?
IP ....that didn't need a question mark
Senor I expect it to be fairly similar to how it always has been, mutual respect for each other. Eventually open trade routes perhaps once we tidy ourselves up, maybe get on better with Europe
IP Progress, cool

Like I said, I had sent a pm to Leon Blume, but I didn't get a response. If he or Papa Franz happen to see this article, here are the questions I sent: How did the friendship pact come about? What"s your history with Pakistan? What do you say to people who dislike them for their comments on the forums? Where do you see this relationship going?

You guys could answer these questions in a comment below. Or not.
