Foxland Family Party

Day 2,387, 04:02 Published in Nigeria France by AlI Might

Hello people,

This article is mostly for people playing for eNigeria and to introduce the Foxland Family party but feel free to read even though you're not with us in that new little eCountry.

When I heard about the will of the admins to implement new countries, I saw it as an opportunity to have another fresh start on a neutral land. Also, I think I am known for my ability to often eTravel the eWorld and I chose eNigeria as my stop where to stay for a while, get involved and try to help with the means I got in hands.

Let's just let me tell you what is Foxland for some of you that have no clue. Foxland Family, is my eFamily, the one I gathered and made of friends I met when traveling the eWorld, they come from different countries, cultures, alliances and else. This family became like a community regarding how much people are in now and I am very thankful to them for being next to me everyday.

So, when I told Foxland I wanted to move to eNigeria, some of them wanted to follow me and help as well, I came there through the first rush and got lucky with no real intention to get involved in politics. Yet I created a party right after coming, the evidence of a serious TO treat was right in front of our eyes. I don't think it's any use to point out the finger at the concerned persons. I felt like I had to try to help in any way I could and creating this party, refering to my role play in the game, would be good as a back-up in case it's needed. Now, I'm more wanting to get it involved.

The aim of the party are mainly to look for prosperity, growth, honor and loyalty for eNigeria. All in a good environment where we all can involved as united foxes. I believe no matter who we are and what we do, we can contribute with our own means to something. If you join the Foxland Party, you're not forced to be involved like crazy in eNigeria politics, maybe you'll find a way to help us, even your presence can help fighting the group formed in order to serve one enitity's interests like a country or an alliance.

As for, to make it clear, the official IRC channel for eNigeria is:
Official because it has been created by the admins themselves.
You can find the official eNigerian forum here:
I call for those who didn't register yet, to do it as soon as they can to help us building the country and give their opinion.

I personaly look for a good image of eNigeria to the eWorld, your opinions are needed to build it, to build eNigeria's value. Because, what is gonna be eNigeria is defined now and only now, not in a year.

With a roster composed of people coming from all around the world, from different geopolitical situations, you can be sure the Foxland Family party won't serve any cause but eNigeria's one.

So, if you feel you're fitting with ourway of thinking, our way to see the horizon, feel free to give us a try and join us. It'll be very much appreciated.

Let's build eNigeria now.
