Food now-11/26/11

Day 1,467, 12:26 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Let's see what's cheapest now, (pu)= per unit
Q1- .60 cents(pu) 2hp
Q2- 1.16 USDpu 4hp
Q3- 1.82 USDpu 6hp
Q4- 2.44 USDpu 8hp
Q5- 3.05 USDpu 10hp
This means
Q1-60/2= 30 cents per one health (poh)
Q2-116/4= 29 cents poh
Q3-182/6= 30.3 cents poh
Q4-244/8= 30.5 cents poh
Q5-305/10= 30.5 cents poh
So in my never ending quest to find the cheapest food, it is back to Q2 food being the cheapest
Q4 & Q5-4th