First Video News Broadcast in eRepublik(Sweden)

Day 165, 18:38 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Today, the Swedish newspaper NY Storm released the [a url=]first video news broadcast[/a] in eRepublik history. In it, Arkham reported on the Swedish invasion of Denmark over scenes from the battlefields. He spoke candidly about the destruction of the battlefield cities in his short(one minute) broadcast.

So was it any good? Well it was no [a url=]Grev Per speech[/a], but it was certainly better than I expected. But it was short.....I said that the broadcast was one minute(1:32 to be exact)...but the video runs to 2:22. In the other half was an advertisement for advertising, a logo, and the credit roll. So it was a little short, and it only dealt with one(and, if I do say so myself, old) issue. I don't mind it being about one subject...but half of the time I thought that he was talking about the German invasion. Which isn't to say that he wasn't clear, but the Danish war has been over for a while now....I just sound it hard to believe that he'd be talking about that. In fact, as I was writing this article, I mistakenly wrote that he covered both the Danish and German invasion. Those are my Mombassa, I enjoyed it, and hope he continues, but keeps it relevant.

Alright, so I've been gone for 3 days now, and I just realized that I didn't even fully explain just what I'm doing. I'm on a trip around the world. I've called it backpacking through Europe, I've called it a business trip....and it's all of the above. Plus some.

How I'll do this is pretty simple. I'll go to another country every 3 or 4 days and then move on to the next one. While I'm in the country, I'm gonna make a newspaper in it called IP (country). I'll make two articles with that paper. One at the end of the first day, announcing my presence and telling my first impressions about that country.

While I'm there, I'm gonna find something newsworthy about that country and write it here, like I just did.

The purpose of doing this? Because I'm getting lazy. I don't visit foreign language medias nearly as much as I used to...and more and more I find myself just not feeling like it........and that sucks. So this is a way to force myself to. I've opened babelfish up more times in these 3 days than I have in a few weeks. And it's pretty cool.

Of course not every country I go to is gonna be a different language. Unless I can find a translator for Norway...I'm going to Ireland and the UK next week....and there'll be plenty oasis's like these on my trip(it really does suck reading babelfish lol)

I've included a crude drawing of my trip plan that ended up looking like a shirt, so I'm pretty happy about that for no reason......................actually I think I may be going mad....what's the opposite of cabin fever but isn't homesickness? I really do miis the US...I have to click three times to see the latest going-ons in my home country..and it just isn't the same. I'm never listed as a user online now in the US. It says Sweden next to my's just not the same, and I miss it already......but I'll be home in a month or two....and I'll never leave for this long again.....

EDIT: [a url=]The picture uploader is broken again so click here to see an artists rendition of my trip plans[/a]
