First steps in eIndia

Day 2,410, 04:30 Published in India India by Patanjali
Om bhūr bhuvah svah

avidya asmita raga dvesha abhinivesha pancha klesha
Causes of our trouble are of five kind, ignorance (avidya), I-ness (asmita), addiction (raga), hatred (dvesha), fear of death (abhinivesha). – Patanjali, Yoga Sutra, 2.3.

First of all, notice how the word Asmita evolved from Sanskrit sense to the one he have in Hindi (Someone you can be proud of.) 😃

Now, because our friend Vijay told us the story of he’s beginning in this world, I chose to tell the story of my first steps in eIndia (if someone interested).

Sure, …

It was long, long time ago in (what it seems now) a far, far … world.

The epic battle for Karnataka ended by 2-3 month’s and I was wondering what could a restless (e) youngster (back then) could better do in this world.
So I chose Thailand.

Sure, Thailand is (and will remain) some kind of myth for any westerner 🙂, so, I give it a try.
I summoned a group of players and moved in Thailand.

Weird part was that, back then (but now too) there where no girls waiting for us but just some grumpy Hungarians (with them big "moustache") which where not very friendly to us.
Sure they where not friendly, because we came to PTO them 😃.

However, after the failing of our attempt I hang a little more around and finally find out there are RL Indians in the game, and here it start the SAGA …

I belive the first I meet was Maverick.

Got some chat with him but … he was always on the run. Looking at the pict one could easy understand why.

Next one was Ashwamedh.

A very nice combination between a saint and a maharaja, as I could perceive it now.
We talked a lot and it was very nice to know him, to talk with him and … eventually, to became friends.

So, I chose to know better India, from real person. To know the today India, not only the one that I imagine, that I dream of, from (so) ancient books. To see what became the great Bihar today and what happened to the ancient wisdom of the realm.

In this process I got to know more and more (e) Indian players.

And one prominent, yet so discreet figure was Shail.

Sure, it was the Dutch cook too, and the Spaniard David (I always suspected him of being American 😃) and, slowly, I noticed the existence of some kind of … counterforce to the established one.

The underground movement of the young players, forming a PP, trying to change things (as they consider them to be better).
So, with troj4an20 and vigi I discovered another face of India. The one who developed into the DPI and all the story’s related to that.

Still, this kind of struggle did not satisfy my true curiosity to discover the today India and, I began to wonder if I do the right thing here.

Then I meet Yashas Chandra and I noticed we speak (almost) the same language. He was a Vaisheshika follower and, because of the rational way of seeing the world, attractive to me.

Also, he gave me the reason to continue the research, to develop contacts in order to better understand what have became India.

Almost in the same time, Mr.Dee began to write some amazing articles (take this for example).
Great times for me, in my struggle to understand and study.

Then, e World changed a little and I went out from India for a while, but I returned and found other players, so nice and so friendly, that I decided to establish the e Ashram.

So, slowly, we developed here a kind of (e) Ashram, meant mainly to tell and listen story’s (generally I was the one to listen) and a young girl became the best story teller in the club.

I talk about RD1234

Beside the story’s I learn a lot about today India from her.

Sure, there was kind of distraction back then too … in the form of the scent of some oriental, Persian princess.

^ my first steps looks like that.
If interested, I could go forward to the era of UvAjed (very interesting that too)

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !