Few things I would like to discuss...

Day 1,275, 14:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hello again everyone!

Today's article will be about 3 things.

1. My Dail run on the 25th
2. An idea that I had, tell me what you think of it.
3. A big thank you to all the Greeks and Romper who helped us push back the UK

1. I would like to take this time to officially announce my run for the Dail on May 25th. I believe I would be a good help for Dail, and all of eIreland. In RL I am a college student majoring in economics and finance, so I know about the economy and have ideas of improving it that I would like to discuss with the Dail members. I have been a dedicated soldier of eIreland and her allies. If you want more information about my military career, my first article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/first-article1-1772811/1/20 is here. My political career has not been too extensive; I am currently Deputy Minister of New Citizens, due to President Cousteau's regrettable impeachment. I am always open to suggestions, and I will do my very best to help our country. As you read the next section, you will see that I have a lot of (good?) ideas. And I always am honest with everyone (I know, honest politician, oxymoron, yea yea…) If you elect me, I promise to have my ear to the ground and do what is right for Ireland.

~Don’t worry Peter, you still have my vote~

2. My idea is of one regarding the Market place. A lot of citizens need money now, and cannot wait for people to buy their goods in the market. I have a solution; just not sure it will work. What if I bought somebody goods that needed the money ASAP for a few, say .03 less IEP of the market price at that time. Then, I will sell it. That way they get the money, and I am protected against market drops as well as a slight incentive for me to keep doing this. What do you think? Any and all comments will be appreciated. If you are interested in doing this, please PM me.
Another idea I had was to have divisions of the IA and ICA (I think Libertad can remain their own group), a lot of people get on at different times throughout the day, and a lot of orders are time sensitive. I would need the IA and ICA’s help to try to implement this, if they think it’s a good idea.

3. Lastly, a big thank you to all the Greek citizens and Croatians and Canadians and allies that I have forgotten to mention. Romper, the tank responsible for pushing back Alfagrem gets a special thank you. (Well as much as a newer player's newspaper can say thanks) Without your support, we would be stuck fighting Alfa and the Brits all by ourselves, and would in all likelihood be pushed back to one or two regions. A big thanks to all our allies!!

Patrick O'Leary
Irish Citizen
P.S. I hope it’s okay that I used LOLcats, I stole the idea from some other Newspapers....