Day 2,122, 13:45 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

Since I'm going to resign from Congress I will give my parliamentary report now.

MPP's ---I voted yes to all MPP's except for the Argentinian MPP since they had invaded the eUK not that long ago and now they have made nice with TWO so we are supposed to accept them with open arms.

Natural Enemy against Germany- I proposed this because of the Bulgarian AS against Lithuania. Germark was seemingly preparing to NE Lithuania to help out Bulgaria so I set a NE on Germark to make them rethink what they were about to do. Some members in the eUK administration did not seem to understand the deterrent effect that a natural enemy proposal has on a countries government.

Yes 5- No 28

Natural Enemy against Belgium- This was proposed to stop Belgium from potentially launching an Air Strike
Yes-24 No- 4

VAT & Import Taxes: Food - Done to bring in cheaper food for the Epic warfare day.

Yes- 31 - No- 0

Once again I find congress rather inactive as a whole. This may be due to the fact that congress appears to have become an increasingly useless body of people since most of the important decisions are made by a few people. TWO in my opinion has created a more undemocratic and less thrilling eUK. There is no real debate in what eUK does in foreign affairs anymore, its just a drone following what Keers and Kravenn tell us to do (guess its a little better then being told what to do by Polish or Serbian members).

If eUK wanted a riskier but more thrilling time then it should consider making its own path once more. Who, besides a few members, of the eUK community talk with members from countries from TWO countries? I doubt many do, probably because Australia is the only other English speaking country within TWO/ACT.

I know its far fetched but what if the eUK could eventually join eIreland and eCanada in a brotherhood. citizens of eCanada and eUK have been having fun with each other for awhile now, what would happen if they actually became allies 😮
eUK might not have as much pure damage if they leave TWO put they might be able to find a real brotherhood with countries that actually speak English on a wide scale.

Here is to a dream

Strength and Honour