Estonians, don't be afraid! (of Finland)

Day 507, 04:37 Published in Estonia Finland by Ministry of Education FI

It saddens the Finnish Representatives that our country intimidates Estonian people so much, at least according to your media. We do agree, that Estonia, like all new and some older nations, is in very high risk of political take over in the following elections. However, Finland won't be any threat to Estonia, we look at Estonians as very potential allies and friends and condemn any take over attempt over your government. Should any take over attempt occur, Finland will support Estonian elections to it's best ability.

There have also been multiple articles published by former eFinnish and propably still Finnish players. They aren't related to Finnish Goverment. We hope, as players of the game, not as eFinns, they won't be treated as invaders of foreign power, but as equal members in Estonian society, like some Estonians were in Finland for example.

To perhaps strenghten the ties between our countries, we hope that Estonian people would visit our forums at and also our IRC-channel @Quakenet.

Finland's Minister of Defence