eRepublik, Let's All Get Along!

Day 1,571, 23:04 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

My Fellow eRepublikans,

It honestly makes me sad to see the way some people behave on here. There is far too much hate in the world, and we should all get along. You will unfortunately undoubtedly see trolls or mean spirited posts on this article, but I will say what I want to say regardless of this. Let me set the record straight on a number of misconceptions about me and my goals.

Firstly, I have been labeled as "racist" against Turks and others. This is not true. I do not have any problem with people because of their ethnic origin. I have never, and will never judge someone based on that. Certain groups in the eWorld tend to like me and certain ones just never gravitated towards me, that's just the way it is. Secondly, I don't really support any of the alliances right now, so when people say I am part of some ONE PTO plot, they are lying. There are far more EDEN immigrants allied with me than there are from ONE. I simply believe in judging people based on their character, not their ethnic origin. It goes against my conscience as a Christian to do that, even in a game.

Pfeiffer would make some believe that this game is played with Kings and pawns. That's simply not the way it is. A lot of players make their own choices and do so independently of anyone else. I have offered the following many times before, and I wll do so again. All I want and anyone who is friends with me wants, is to be left alone. If we are not threatened with destruction constantly we are much more likely to cooperate with the powers that be and work within the system to reform it, rather than having to work outside of it.

The bias against me goes back years and it is all about real life stuff, which is totally unrelated to eRepublik. Some people don't understand that when I resort to drastic actions it is because the only other alternative is to give up. We all have a right to play this game and to do so fairly. I am calling for some respect. There is enough blame to go around, so let's just call a truce. Fair enough everyone?