Elect me for transparency

Day 2,145, 09:43 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

Don't let the elites on the forums keep you down. Rise up and be heard!

This Act is currently being voted on

Scope of The Canadian Civil Defense Act

The purpose of this act is to create an effective means of financing Canadian war efforts through in game Combat Orders. Transparency and efficiency will be the top priorities, as we know any sort of lag time for giving out supplies can mean the loss of an important battle. With Combat orders, the CP, MoD or dMoD can instantly direct funding to any division in a battle which requires support.

For the past 10 months, the Canadian Government has not funded any MU's, and due to our current financial system and MPP stack, is not expecting to fund any again in the immediate future. That is why I think this act is important. I do not expect the government to start handing out money it doesn't have, after all we are not the real life American Government, know what i'm saiyan?!?!

- Canadian citizens will be directly paid for their involvement in important wars.
- Funding is instant and effective.
- The option to fund specific divisions.
- Transparency as the money will only be transferred from the treasury to the CP or MoD.
- CO’s can only be set by the Commander of the MU, however switching positions is very easy.

- Canadian MU’s will either receive minimal or no funding to support infrastructure growth.
- The CP, MoD or dMoD will have to leave their current MU to join the CCD MU.

Approval of funding will be done through a 24 hour discussion in ODC, and subsequent vote in-game. Ideally we will pre-approve a given amount to sit in the MU Account. A standard pre-approval will consist of a $20,000 supply drop, with the expectance of $12,000 for Division 4, $5,000 for Division 3, $2,000 for Division 2 and $1,000 for Division 1. These are guidelines for funding and are not mandatory numbers for each division.

The Canadian Civil Defense Act

The purpose of this act is to create an effective means of financing Canadian war efforts through in-game Combat Orders. Efficiency and transparency are the top priorities of this act. The CP, MoD or dMoD will operate in accordance to the CCDA through the official government Military Unit, the “Canadian Civil Defense.” Combat orders will be set by either the CP, MoD or dMoD to direct funding to a battle which is deemed to require support.

i) Combat Orders set out by the acting Commander shall be primarily focused on Canadian Campaigns or Canadian Resistance War efforts.

ii) The CP and MoD may set Combat Orders for allied countries after presenting to Congress in CDC the importance of the battle and funds to be used. CO's for allied battles shall only be available for Canadian citizens.

iii) If Congress votes in accordance to the CRoO Article III (1) that the circumstances for the Combat Orders are not substantial enough to require funding, the Combat Orders are to be stopped immediately.

2. Combat Orders shall be primarily set for Canadian Citizens. If the CP or MoD deem a current Canadian battle to be of utmost importance, CO's can be made for any citizenship.

3. All Combat Orders must be recorded onto a Government Google document by the CP, MoD or dMoD within 24 hours of being set. The document will also be overseen by the Comptroller to ensure records are being properly kept. A link to the document shall be available to the public in ODC.

i) The CP or MoD can expedite the transfer of Funds to the Canadian Civil Defense Military Unit by posting the reasons for in CDC.

ii) The CP, MoD and MoF must all sign the proposal in CDC before an in-game proposal is made.

5. No Combat Order shall exceed 50cc per million damage to avoid depleting the MU account or unfair supply methods.

6. Canadian ‘Training Wars’ are not to be funded.

Slight change to the Comptroller Act.

Comptroller General Act (Original)

This Act represents a committed effort by Canada to regulate how funds are distributed, particularly to Military Units, by the Canadian Government. It outlines how to carry out government transactions on behalf of Congress and the Executive.
Recognizing that Canada requires a consistent, transparent system of bookkeeping, and further recognizing that changing systems monthly based solely on Presidential whim increases the margin for financial error or theft, this Act proposes the following:

1. A Comptroller will be selected by the sitting President and ratified by Congress with a 50% + 1 vote.
2. Once approved, the Comptroller will serve a 60 day term before being replaced or re-approved.
3. The Comptroller will have sole access to the Government’s primary Organization, and receive donations to that Organization to be redistributed as directed by the Executive’s Budget.
4. The Comptroller will keep a public record (e.g., a GDoC) of all transactions entering and exiting the Organization, with explanations as deemed appropriate by Congress.
5. The Comptroller may be replaced or removed from office at any time should they fail to maintain the confidence of the President or Congress. With Presidential support, Congress may remove the Comptroller with a no confidence vote of 50% +1. If the President disagrees, a vote of 65% is required.
6. Should the Comptroller commit any theft, they may be removed from their position immediately, without the process laid out in 5).
7. While the Comptroller is not barred from holding political office, they may not be the Country President.

Comptroller General Act (Revision in bold)

This Act represents a committed effort by Canada to regulate how funds are distributed, particularly for Combat Orders issued by the Canadian Civil Defense. It outlines how to carry out government transactions on behalf of Congress and the Executive.
Recognizing that Canada requires a consistent, transparent system of bookkeeping, and further recognizing that changing systems monthly based solely on Presidential whim increases the margin for financial error or theft, this Act proposes the following:

1. A Comptroller will be selected by the sitting President and ratified by Congress with a 50% + 1 vote.
2. Once approved, the Comptroller will serve a 60 day term before being replaced or re-approved.
3. The Comptroller will have sole access to the Government’s primary Organization, and receive donations to that Organization to be redistributed as directed by the Executive’s Budget.
4. The Comptroller will keep a public record (e.g., a GDoC) of all transactions entering and exiting the Organization, with explanations as deemed appropriate by Congress.
5. The Comptroller may be replaced or removed from office at any time should they fail to maintain the confidence of the President or Congress. With Presidential support, Congress may remove the Comptroller with a no confidence vote of 50% +1. If the President disagrees, a vote of 65% is required.
6. Should the Comptroller commit any theft, they may be removed from their position immediately, without the process laid out in 5).
7. While the Comptroller is not barred from holding political office, they may not be the Country President.