Economic development tutorial

Day 1,431, 06:51 Published in China Romania by curcubitator
Considering i am a citizen of China for 6 months already, it is time to give something back. I wrote an economical development tutorial which i'm going to share here. If anyone wants to translate it in Chinese, send me the translation and i will update the article.

Motto: "A strong soldier is defined by a strong economy."

Golden Rule: Don't sell Gold, don't spend gold (Wellness Pack’s, Energy Bars), don't use gold for train (only after step 13). A new player can obtain Gold through level up and Super Soldire/Hard Worker medals. CNY comes from salary and selling own production.

Step 1 ~ you are new and your land contains:

3 X Grain Farm si 1 X Food Factory (Q1)

I stated only the economic relevant buildings. Now you produce minimum 100 Q1 breads/day (0% country bonus), and you can fight of 100 health/hour. While you are low level it is important that you fight often so through level up you will obtain gold. Use Training Grounds daily, and do your best to invite 2 friends to game to benefit from 1 extra strength point daily.

Step 2 ~ you are level 10 and have 100 cny

Upgrade Town Center (TC) from level 1 to level 2.

You already have 9 gold, keep fighting and training on a daily basis

Step 3 ~ you are level 15, having 14 gold and 750 CNY


1 X Iron Mine si 1 X Weapons Factory (Q1)

With 250 CNY upgrade Town Center from level 2 to 3

If you completed Offense is the best Defence mission then migrate Weapons Company Q1 in Food Factory Q1 and disolve Iron Mine, you will need free land for the next step.

Step 4 ~ you have 2 500 CNY and if you did the previous steps your land has 2 free slots


1X Grain Farm si 1X Fruit Orchard

Now you will produce in the worst case scenario (country bonus 0) 200 Q1 breads, but usually with a decent bonus of 40% you will produce 280 Q1 breads (560 health). This will enable you to keep constant fighting and even sell some for the much needed CNY used in next steps.

Step 5 ~
a) You have 10 Gold and the offer for half price company upgrade is on
b) You have 20 Gold and you don't want to wait for the offer.

Upgrade the first Food Factory on your land from Q1 to Q2.

Step 6 ~ you are level 20 and your account has atleast 500 CNY

Upgrade Town Center from level 3 to 4.

Step 7 ~ you have 7 250 CNY

Dissolve the Grain Farm built at step 4 and buil😛

1X Cattle Farm

Congratulations, in this moment you are a soldier that can provide food for 2 rounds of 400 health each in a country with minimum 40% food bonus.

Step 8 ~ you have 10 gold and 1 000 cny

Buy a new land and buil😛

1X Aluminium mine

Sell the WRM on the market.

Step 9 ~ you have 10 gold and 1 000 cny

Buy a new land and buil😛

1X Weapons Factory (Q1)

Now you will produce Q1 weapons, which i suggest to sell on the market

Step 10 ~
a) You have 10 Gold and the offer for half price company upgrade is on
b) You have 20 Gold and you don't want to wait for the offer.

Upgrade Weapons Company from Q1 to Q2:

Step 11 ~ you are level 22 and have 1 000 cny

Upgrade Town Center from Q4 to Q5

Then migrate the Q2 Weapons Factory to a Q2 Food Factory, and sell the Q1 Food Factory still on your land.

Step 12 ~ you have 7 500 cny

Having 2 Q2 Factories you need more raw. So on the land left free at Step 10 buil😛

1X Cattle Farm

Congratulations you now produce food for 2 rounds of fights of 500 health each (100 FF total).

Step 13 ~ you have 100 cny


Climbing Center

And start using it daily. You will spend the Gold from the Super Soldier medal to grow faster.The cost to use this booster in order to get the SS medal is between 4.72 and 5.32 (2 friends invited or none). So this booster pays itself.

Step 14 ~ you have 8 500 cny

Buy a land and buil😛

1X Saltpeter Mine

The WRM you produce can be sold or can be traded for Q5 weapons (in military units or friends). This step is repeatable and i recommend doing it atleast 10 times.


This tutorial assumes that basic erepublik knowledge is known by the reader, if any terms are new please rea😛

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P.S. Or just buy gold and this tutorial is useless 😎

Thank you China and good luck.