Dude, Where's my GOLD?

Day 775, 15:27 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

Yesterday, we launched a two-pronged attack on Hungarian-held Heilongjiang. Now, this is good and all. The wall can be seen from space, but we've won against worst odds. Now then, to business. During the battle, President Jewitt and Commander of the Joint Chiefs Gaius Julius came onto the Congressional Boards asking for more GOLD to fund our tanks and allies with weapons and wellness packs. It's the usual stuff. However, this time the amount asked for was much larger than normal. However, thinking this was it and we'd win the Asian theater, we decided it was for the best.

Proposals like that go through the SCI, are usually very impromptu, and very expedited. So, X amount of GOLD goes to the military for preparation for this battle. Here's what the SCI is:

The SCI is a select committee of members designated to quickly fund requests; usually, this results in the outcome of the battle in our favor. The Select Committee on Intelligence (SCI) was formed under President Scrabman. Zcia has an article coming out that I'll post here later, so you can get a better idea.

So, you know the rest of the story. We lost both fronts of Hello Kitty, and ended up losing a lot of GOLD. So, you know, we win some we lose some. Then, wahooBob comes out with this beauty of an article: America: Land of the Second Chance.

Read that over, come on. You can do it. Alright. So today, someone comes to me. We're fighting this blocking battle for chiefly Romania, that's cool. Cesog fillireb comes to me and mentions this to me. So I go and check, and 'lo and behold... he's right! The battles were retreated! Here's the problem. We still tanked in Hello Kitty. We spent several thousand GOLD on a battle WE WERE SCHEDULED TO LOSE. So, we were lied to. X amount of GOLD down the drain simply because we needed to block. We could have retreated the battle and saved several thousand GOLD. The battles can be found here. I really have only one question, since we know where the GOLD went.

I'd link you to my normal repertoire of newspapers, but I'm not liking them anymore

St Krems's take on the blocking
Maybe these guys won't lie to us about where our money is going.