Do Not Vote For Me (Edit: GOOD GUYS WIN!)

Day 896, 10:41 Published in India United Kingdom by Devoid


Look at all the ups...and downs. Props to admins for bringing down the banhammer, and shame upon the cheaters.

I just want to make that totally clear. First off, I forgot that goals finalized after the 2nd rather than the 3rd 😛

But more importantly, there's a PTO threat to beat. Two of them, perhaps. Keeping India safe from PTO is far more important than which Indian wins, so long as it's an Indian and not a PTOer.

Vote for Abhi347 for president!

If the PTO threat proves to be minimal, perhaps I will look for some votes as Election Day goes on to come in 2nd, to provide a backup in case Abhi goes the way of David Forde for some reason or another, so that we don't have a leadership vacuum like we had this month. But first priority for India is making sure Abhi347 wins. I do not want a single vote until his election is secure.

wrong Indian to piss off come2findu