Democratic Party of Pakistan

Day 1,778, 12:44 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

At 06:00 hours, in an undisclosed location, The Saeen Party members held a high level meeting to discuss the current situation of ePakistan and the future of The Saeen Party.

The meeting concluded with a shift in strategy and an increased momentum to do more than what the party is already doing.

Although by popular vote, The Democratic Federation of Pakistan was selected, unfortunately the game mechanics only allowed a 30 character name. Hence the Democratic Party of Pakistan was founded.

Over the coming days, we will be creating a Democratic National Committee that will manage the party affairs and determine the direction it will head in.

The Democratic Party stands for every ePakistani and is in favour of promoting younger and more talented players. Its objective is bring in new players and retain old players with one objective to make ePakistan a more powerful nation.

With the founding of The Democratic Party, you can find most members in #epak which will be the main channel for all democrat fans. Allies from Pakistan and abroad have also been invited to spend time with us to discuss the brighter future of ePakistan.

I leave you all fellow brothers and sisters with a final quote from our real life leader as there is no better way to put what the Democratic Party of Pakistan will do next:

My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation.” Quaid-e-Azam, October 1947.

Yours Truly
President of the Democratic Party of Pakistan